How to Process Personal/Non-Reimbursable Card Charges in Concur


This article guides the user through processing Personal/Non-Reimbursable University Card charges in Concur when the Procurement Card or Travel & Entertainment Card is erroneously used for personal/non-reimbursable expenses. This process includes advising the Cardholder, Reconciling the Transaction(s) in Concur, and submitting a cashiers deposit form for repayment (when applicable).

Essential Information

Next Steps

Advise the Cardholder

    1. If a refund cannot be provided by the supplier, proceed to the next section to reconcile the transaction in Concur and provide a detailed explanation in the expense report.
    2. The department has the authority to cancel the card if they believe this was intentional. Review our KBAs on how to submit a KB0032027:Travel & Entertainment Card or KB0032051: Procurement Card Action Request.

Reconcile the Transaction(s) in Concur  

  1. Log in to Concur from the Business Tools menu in Blink.
  2. Select the Expense module from the Home drop down menu.
  3. From the Available Expenses section, select the personal card charge and move it to a New Report or an existing report. Select the appropriate Report Type by following the instructions below.  Note that to get to the Report Header, select the hyperlink for the Report Number or select Report Header from the Report Details sub-menu within the newly created expense report.
    1. For Procurement Card transactions, move them to an expense report and choose the Report Type of "Procurement Card Expenses" from the Report Header. 
    2. For Travel & Entertainment Card Expenses, follow the steps below:
      1. If the personal card transaction is a standalone expense (i.e. not incurred during a university/business trip), move the transaction to an expense report and select the Report Type of "Event Expenses" in the Report Header.
        1. Select the Event Type of "Business Technical Meeting".
      2. If the personal card transaction was incurred during a university/business trip, add it to an existing Travel Expense Report or create an expense report and select the Report Type of Travel Expenses.  Then proceed to reconcile all travel-related expenses, along with the personal transaction.
  4. After moving the transaction to an expense report, categorize the personal transaction by selecting the Expense Type of "Personal/Non-Reimbursable" and provide an explanation.

a. Personal/Non-Reimbursable Expenses in Concur require the cardholder/user's department chart string be entered into their profiles (Profile Settings > Expense Information); if the user/cardholder does not have chart string information in their Profile, they will be prompted to add their department's chart string before they can proceed with the expense report. Note that when using the Personal / Non-Reimbursable expense type in Concur, the expense would not post to the department chart string even though it is required for the expense report. While the department chart string is required for the expense report in Concur, please note that a different COA is required for the Cashier Deposit Form - see the section called "Submitting a Cashier's Deposit Form" below.

b.  OR If only a partial amount of the card charge is Personal/Non-reimbursable, please use the Itemization feature to itemize the allowable expense and the personal/non-reimbursable expense.

5. Select Report Details and then Report Totals to confirm that the employee must pay back the University.

a. If the Employee Pays amount is $0.00, submit the Expense Report for approval - no further action is needed.

i. If there is an amount owed to the cardholder on the same or subsequent Concur Expense Report that is equal to or greater than the Personal/Non-reimbursable amount, then the system will automatically deduct the Personal/Non-reimbursable amount owed and repayment by check is not needed.

b. If the Employee Pays amount is not $0.00, that amount is owed back to the University. 

NOTE: Please make sure to confirm that there are no additional expense reports that will be submitted for the cardholder that contains an out-of-pocket expense greater than the personal/non-reimbursable amount. If there is, the credit memo in Oracle will be offset by the amount owed to the cardholder once that expense report is approved and "Sent for Payment". If you are sure that there will be no additional expense reports submitted, please review the next section on how to deposit those funds back. 

Submit a Cashier's Deposit Form for Repayment (When Applicable)

NOTE: Do not submit a check or fill out a Cashier's Deposit Form until the Concur expense report shows a final status of "Sent for Payment"

1. Submit an electronic Cashier’s Deposit Form (or ask your Fund Manager to submit) via Services & Support. See the Cashiering Services: How to Make a Deposit Blink page for detailed information about this form and making deposits.

a. Complete the form with the information below:

DEPARTMENT: make a selection

BUSINESS UNIT: make a selection

EMAIL: skip as this should be auto-populated

RECEIPT TYPE: Miscellaneous

AMOUNT (with decimal): enter amount of the deposit with decimal (ensure this matches the check and the "Total Owed by Employee" or "Employee Pays" amount in the Report Totals screen within the Expense Report in Concur)

TAX AMOUNT: leave blank

CASH DEPOSIT - CHART STRING(S): click Add and follow Step 5 below

DEPOSIT DESCRIPTION: include the name of the individual sending the check (if applicable), the full name of the cardholder, include a note this is for a "P-card or T&E Card Personal Charge Repayment" and Concur Report ID number (which can be obtained from the Concur Expense Report Header).

2. Since the charge was made on a centrally-billed University Card, it was paid by the University (specifically, UCSD IPPS) and the transaction resides in the UCSD Travel/Procurement Card clearing account. Solely for the repayment/deposit steps, you must complete the following fields and use the specific chart string below to repay the proper UCSD financial unit.  Note that when using the Personal / Non-Reimbursable expense type in Concur, the expense would not post to the department chart string even though it is required for the expense report.

a. Deposit Type: Concur Reimbursement (Note: this was formerly "Other")

b. Payment Amount: enter amount to be deposited again (ensure this matches the check and the "Total Owed by Employee" or "Employee Pays" amount in the Report Totals screen within the Expense Report in Concur).

c. CHART OF ACCOUNTS INFORMATION field for the Cash Deposit should be automatically populated with the below:

i. Entity: 16150/Fund: 13001/Financial Unit: 5000051/Account: 101063/Function: 000/Program: 000/Location: 000000/Funding Source: 0000000/Project: 00000000.

ii. IMPORTANT: do not use this chart string in the Concur expense report – your department chart string is used for the Concur Expense Report (see the section called "Reconcile the transaction(s) in Concur" above) while the above chart string should only be used for the Cashier's Deposit Form.

3. Write a check payable to UC Regents with the exact amount that is owed and send it to the following address (either via USPS or Intracampus mail) and be sure to include the Services and Support Case number used for the Cash Deposit along with the check:

UC San Diego Cashier’s Office
9500 Gilman Drive MC 0009
La Jolla, CA 92093-0009

4. After taking those steps, IPPS will ensure that the repayment will be applied towards clearing the Credit Memo. Clearing of the Credit Memo is done monthly after the month-end ledger closing.


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.