This article demonstrates how to edit and define most commonly used columns in OFC Project Management Cost Module.
1. Navigate to Home > Projects > Costs
2. Click Task Pane > Review and Adjust > Manage Project Costs
3. Select Expenditure Business Unit.
4. Enter Project Name or Number.
5. In Search Results, select View > Columns > Manage Columns, do not select Show All
6. In Manage Columns dialog box, select desired Columns, move from Hidden to Visible, or visa versa, click OK, this will save the selected Columns for future searches.
a. Add or remove one Column at a time from the list.
b. To order the columns, use the arrows on the far right to move a Column title up or down.
c. Recommend using Burdened Cost in Project Currency, All Burdened Cost in… Currency categories will display the burden or indirect cost charged on the Project using Expenditure Type 538000 - FandA (IDC) – Expense
7. To filter data in the Search results select the Query by Example icon, this allows filtering by data in any of the columns.
8. For example, filter by: Amount, Expenditure Type/Item Date/Category, Accounting Period, Task, etc.
9. After entering data in a field, press Enter
a. When searching by Amount, exclude trailing zeros. i.e. 4,235.00 is searched as 4235
b. Use % as a wildcard, before and/or after what you are searching.
c. To clear all applied filters, on far left of filter row, click the Pencil icon.
Navigate to a Project's Cost to review Project Cost Transactions
1. Navigate to Home > Projects > Costs
2. Click Task Pane > Review and Adjust > Manage Project Costs
3. Select Expenditure Business Unit
4. Enter Project Name or Number
5. In Manage Project Costs Search results, select a Transaction
6. On the General tab, view these details:
a. Source Document Details: if applicable links to AP Invoice.
b. Transferred from Transaction Number: Original reference provided by Cost Transfer Initiator, unique to the transaction.
c. Original Transaction Reference: Displays transaction# that Cost Transfer is from.
8. On the Costing tab, displays the original costing information including original Accounting Date.
9. The Billing tab displays useful information for central office to determine if transaction has been billed and revenue generated.
Common Project Cost Columns and Definitions:
Additional Project Cost Columns and Definitions