This article provides guidance and graphs focused on Resource Allocation Transfer Accounts. The Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) contains a set of Resource Transfer Allocation Accounts. Where indicated by an "X" in the "For Use in GL" column, these accounts may be used to transfer internal resources between chart strings in the OFC General Ledger. The accounts begin with 7749XX and are grouped under the 77400E level of the Standard Account Hierarchy and under 01-Internal Resources in the Managerial Reporting Account (MRA) Hierarchy.
One-Time Account Codes
774953 | Other One-Time Internal Xfr | Any Financial Unit | ALCZOT: Other Allocations | X | Used to transfer one-time resources from one Financial Unit/Project to/from/within another Financial Unit/Project. This account code is similar to 774009 - Fund Balance Transfer, though 774953 is categorized as an Internal Resource, while 774009 is categorized as a Non-Operating Expense/Transfer. | |
774952 | VC/Dean One-Time Allocation | VC Offices, Dean's Offices | ALCVCD: VC/Dean Allocations | X | Used to allocate one-time support from VC/Dean Office. | |
774950 | CBO One-Time Allocation | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Used to allocate one-time support from UC San Diego central resources, including one-time and one-time multiyear items approved by the Chancellor during the annual budget process and Chancellor-approved off-cycle items. | |
774951 | OP One-Time Allocation | Campus Budget Office | ALCZOT: Other Allocations | X | Used to allocate one-time support from UCOP. | |
774954 | CBO One-Time Revenue Sharing | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Used to allocate one-time resources from revenue sharing agreements, including those for Indirect Cost Recovery and Masters/PhD programs. | |
774955 | CBO One-Time Compensation Support | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Used to allocate one-time compensation support (including salary and benefits) from UC San Diego central resources. |
Recurring Account Codes
774903 | Other Recurring Internal Xfr | Any Financial Unit | ALCZOT: Other Allocations | X | For use by any Financial Unit/Project to transfer recurring resources within the current FY to/from another Financial Unit/Project. | |
774902 | VC/Dean Recurring Allocation | VC Offices, Dean's Offices | ALCVCD: VC/Dean Allocations | X | Used to allocate initial year of recurring funding from VC/Dean Office. | |
774900 | CBO Recurring Allocation | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | n/a | n/a |
Effective FY25, no longer in use - replaced by detailed 77496x accounts. Prior to FY25, used to allocate recurring support from UC San Diego central resources.
774901 | OP Recurring Allocation | Campus Budget Office | ALCZOT: Other Allocations | X | Used to allocate initial year of recurring funding from UCOP. | |
774904 | CBO Recurring Revenue Sharing | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | n/a | n/a | Effective FY25, no longer in use - replaced by detailed 77496x accounts. Prior to FY25, used to allocate recurring support from revenue sharing agreements. |
774905 | CBO Recurring Compensation Support | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | n/a | n/a | Effective FY25, no longer in use - replaced by detailed 77496x accounts. Prior to FY25, used to allocate recurring compensation support from UC San Diego central resources. |
774960 | Recurring Non Compensation Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | X | Beginning FY25, used to allocate recurring non-compensation support from UC San Diego central resources. |
774961 | Recurring Staff Salaries Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | X | Beginning FY25, used to allocate recurring staff salaries support from UC San Diego central resources. |
774962 | Recurring Staff Benefits Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | X | Beginning FY25, used to allocate recurring staff benefits support from UC San Diego central resources. |
774963 | Recurring Faculty Salaries Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | X | Beginning FY25, used to allocate recurring faculty salaries support from UC San Diego central resources. |
774964 | Recurring Faculty Benefits Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | X | Beginning FY25, used to allocate recurring faculty benefits support from UC San Diego central resources. |
774965 | Recurring ICR Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Reserved for use in EPBCS to designate resources associated with Recurring Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Revenue Share agreements. | |
774966 | Recurring UG Revenue Share Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Reserved for use in EPBCS to designate resources associated with Recurring Undergraduate Revenue Share agreements. | |
774967 | Recurring Masters Revenue Share Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Reserved for use in EPBCS to designate resources associated with Recurring Masters Revenue Share agreements. | |
774968 | Recurring PhD Revenue Share Xfr | Campus Budget Office | ALCCBO: Core CBO Allocations | X | Reserved for use in EPBCS to designate resources associated with Recurring PhD Revenue Share agreements. |
Q: How do these 7749xxx accounts differ from Fund Balance Transfer Account 774009? How do I know which to use when processing a funding journal voucher?