Oracle Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Integration Contacts


There are a variety of integrations into OFC and specifically PPM. For integrations to work successfully, it's important to have a partnership between the business owner of the source and target systems and IT Services. This article outlines those responsibilities for PPM integrations.

Essential Information


Next Steps 

Error resolution:

  1. If there is a system failure, the technical integration provides data/information/notice of failure to business owner
  2. If the error is a business error, business owner/initiator should correct
    1. FO SD can assist with troubleshooting, but it is the responsibility of the business owner to understand, resolve and prevent errors
  3. If the error is system, ITS should correct
  4. Here is a list of errors and how to correct them

Supplemental Guides


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here, or call the IPPS Help Desk at (858) 534-9494.