How to Request an Oracle PPM Award Temporary Extension


This article describes the interim process for requesting a temporary extension on a Sponsored Project to allow for continued spending until Award modification is received.

Essential Information

Understanding Dates in Oracle PPM:

Mid-month End Date Awards:

Awards Waiting for Amendment:

Next Steps

1. Submit an Oracle PPM Award Temporary Extension Request using the selections shown here.

2. In the Description field you must indicate the following:

            a. Indicate which of the following 2 extensions types you are requesting on the Oracle PPM Award:

1. Results in a one-time 12 month extension on the Award/Project but requires department leadership approval (MSO/DBO) and is subject to SPF review*

2. Results in an additional 6 month extension on the Award/Project (18 months total), but requires MSO, PI, and SPF Associate Director approval.

            b. OFC Award Number

            c. Project Number (7-numeric)

            d. Brief Justification

3. MSOs should certify understanding of the following in their approval, I certify my understanding that by approving this request, if the amendment is not made available, the department will be responsible for covering the costs with discretionary funds.

4. Attach approvals as required by the extension requested on the Oracle PPM Award e.g., Extension Request 1 or 2. 


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