How to Submit a Non-Event Reimbursement in Concur


This summary underscores the specific process and platform involved in claiming reimbursements for expenses unrelated to organized events or business travel. To obtain reimbursement for non-event/non-travel business-related expenses, employees are required to submit an Other Reimbursements (Non-event) Expense Report in Concur. 

Essential Information

Next Steps

Either the employee or an employee's delegate can perform the following process to have non-event expenses reimbursed.

1. Log in to Concur.
2. If acting as a delegate on behalf of another employee, select that user before moving on to Step 3.

3. Select the Home dropdown and then click Expense.

4. Select Create New Report.

5. For Report Type, select Other Reimbursements (Non-Event).

6. For Report Name, enter the reference name for the reimbursement.

a. 32-character limit; e.g. 10-2020 BFS Supplies A. Name.

7. For the Justification for out-of-pocket reimbursement dropdown field, select the appropriate justification.

  1. If Other is chosen, please provide an explanation for your out-of-pocket expense in the field next to it.

8. Enter your Financial Unit Code.

9. Select Create Report.

10. On the next screen, select Add Expense.

11. In the dialog box, select Create New Expense.

a. For a reimbursement expenses, you will manually add the expense.

12. Select the appropriate Expense Type from the list.

  1. Conferences and Training
  2. GME Licenses and Fees
  3. Office Supplies (taxable)
  4. Lab Supplies (taxable)
  5. Marine Supplies (taxable)
  6. Field Research Supplies (taxable)
  7. Fed Chargeable - Subscriptions and Memberships
  8. Federally Unchargeable - Subscriptions and Memberships
  9. Other Materials and Supplies (taxable)
  10. Field Research Services
  11. Marine Services
  12. Comp Software Purchases and Licenses (taxable)
  13. Comp Software Purch License Download
  14. Research Publications
  15. Employee Gift/Prize/Award (taxable)
  16. Non-Employee Gift/Prize/Award (taxable)
  17. Student Gift/Prize/Award (taxable)
    NOTE: For Gift/Prize/Award, please refer to the How to Add Attendees to an Event Expense Report KBA to see how to add the gift recipients.

13. Fill in the required information in the Expense Details tab.

14. In Attach Receipt dialog box, select Add Receipt to attach your required documentation. 

NOTE: A receipt is always required for Other Reimbursements (Non-Event) expense reports regardless of the amount. 

15. Once you have added all the expenses to your expense report, select them and click Allocate

16. In the pop-up box click Add and then choose the chartstring valies that you want to use then click Save

  1. Financial Unit (always required)
  2. Approver (always required)
  3. Project (only required if not using a Fund/Function)
  4. Task (only required if not using a Fund/Function)
  5. Fund (only required if not using a Project) 
  6. Function (only required if not using a Project) 

17. Select Save again in the next window. 

18. Once you have completed the steps above, click Submit Report. 


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.