Reports that are typically run with a time parameter (by accounting period or as of a date) can be scheduled for periodic (i.e. monthly) delivery using features built into each report. Reports run with an accounting period can be scheduled to run with the last closed accounting period, while reports run as of a date can be scheduled to run through today’s date. This article details how to schedule monthly Cognos reports.
Essential Information
Accounting Periods are designated as Closed when the General Ledger has been closed for all campus business units. Typically, this is completed by the 20th of the subsequent month. It is therefore recommended to schedule Accounting Period-based reports to run after the 20th of each month.
Next Steps
Prepare the Report for Scheduling
Please note, the steps necessary to prepare a report for scheduling vary slightly by report.
Faculty & Researcher Dashboard and Project Management Dashboard
Jump down to the section titled 'Schedule the Report' for next steps.
GL Fund Balances, GL Project Balances, and Department Operations Dashboard
Jump down to the section titled 'Schedule the Report' for next steps.
Transaction Details Report
Jump down to the section titled 'Schedule the Report' for next steps.
Schedule the Report
1. On the top right, click the blue three dots, and select 'Subscribe'.
2. A small menu with scheduling settings will appear, where you can customize how you want your report to be scheduled and sent. Click on ‘Create’. You'll be able to change it to monthly scheduling (instead of weekly) when following with the next steps (step 7).
3. On the top right, click on your profile icon, and go to ‘My schedules and subscriptions’.
4. On the top left, go to the dropdown menu and select ‘Schedule’.
5. Look for ‘My [Name of Report]’). To change the name of your scheduled report, click on the three dots to the far right and go to ‘Properties’, then edit the name.
6. From the triple dots, go to ‘Modify this schedule’.
7. Select monthly frequency and start date. Select a time that is not during business hours and not on the hour or half hour.
8. Go to the Options tab, select the desired format, and ‘Send report by email’.
9. Click on ‘Edit details’ to enter email recipients, a subject line, and message for the body of your email. Select ‘Attach report output’ to have the report attached in the monthly email.
10. Save and close. The report will be emailed to the designated recipient(s) monthly.