Fabrication Structure Changes in 2023


This article provides an overview of the structural changes in the Fabrication process at UCSD, effective September 2023. These changes are aimed at improving the management of fabrications and supporting the implementation of the Oracle Fixed Assets (FA) module, especially in handling the complexities of both external and internal costs associated with fabrications and their capitalization.

Essential Information

Fabrication Structure Outline

Sponsored Awards and Projects

  • Award
    • Sponsored Project
      • Basic Task(s)
    • Fabrication Sponsored Project
      • Fabrication Task(s)
  • 300001-00001 Theoretical Study of Organisms 
    • 2020001 - SP Study of Organisms 
      • 1 - Basic Task 
      • 2 - Participant Support Costs 
    • 2020002 - FABSP Fabrications for 300001-00001 
      • 1 - FAB#503 1 Microscope 
      • 2 - FAB#504 2 Semiconductors 
      • 3 - FAB#505 7 Servers 

General Projects

  • General Project
    • Basic Task(s)
  • Fabrication General Project
    • Fabrication Task(s)
  • 2030001 - OTHR Nanoengineering
    • 1 - Office Supplies 
    • 2 - Lab Supplies
    • 3 - Payroll
  • 2030002 - FABGP Nanoengineering Fabrications
    • 1 - FAB 1 Server 
    • 2 - FAB 3 Semiconductors 

Fabrication Requests Through PADUA

Beginning on 09/22/2023, you can request new Fabrication Projects and associated Tasks through PADUA.

Fabrication Close Out


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.