How to Reclass a Resource Commitment in EPBCS Web Application


This article covers how to reclass a Commitment within the Resource Commitment Tracking Tool (RCTT) in EPBCS. The following steps are for users of the EPBCS web application. 

Essential Information

Next Steps

Navigating to Commitment

  1. Go to EPBCS
  2. Login using Single Sign-On.
  3. On the EPBCS Home Page, click on the Tasks tile.

  4. Click on the caret to the left of 7 - Create and Manage Commitments to expand the Task List.
  5. Click on Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified.

    EPBCS Web App Task List blank
  6. Within the POV, select the appropriate Financial Unit level to display the Base Commit record for the CTID you wish to reclass - you must select the Base Commit record, even if you are reclassing the Destination.
  7. Right-click on the desired CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Reclass Commitment.

    EPBCS Web App 7.2A Reclass

  8. Depending on which element you wish to reclass; Source, Destination, or Budget Type, follow steps in relevant section below.

Reclass Source

  1. Within the Reclass Commitment prompt window, enter the new Source values within the NEW fields - you can either directly input the value or use the member selector to the right of the field.

    EPBCS Web App Reclass Prompt

  2. Click the Launch button within the prompt window - you should receive a message that the rule ran successfully - if you receive an error message, make sure your new Source element(s) include a valid NEW Financial Unit / NEW Project intersection.

  3. Locate the new Re-Class Commitments record under the CTID you just reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include your new Reclass record.

  4. Right-click on the reclassed CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.

  5. From the Details 1 Year Horizon view, select the Save button to calculate the Reclass record.

    NOTE: After calculation, the Reclass record should display:
    • CT Approved Budget Amount in the month in which the original transfer(s) occurred, but no values in CT Amount/CT Total Amount/CT Amount Debit/CT Amount Credit.
    • CT Amount/CT Total Amount/CT Amount Debit/CT Amount Credit in the month in which the record was re-classed.

  6. Navigate back to Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified.
  7. Locate the Base Commit record under the CTID you reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include the Base Commit record.
  8. Right-click on the Base CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.
  9. From the Details 1 Year Horizon view, select the Save button to calculate the record.
  10. Navigate back to Task 7.4 Review Commitments Journal Extract.
  11. Verify that your Credits and Debits are appearing appropriately on the Journal Extract.

    NOTE: Only credits and debits for the current ledger period will display on 7.4

Reclass Destination

  1. Within the Reclass Commitment prompt window, do not change any values - simply click the Launch button to run the action and create the new Reclass Commit record.
  2. Locate the new Re-Class Commitments record under the CTID you just reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include your new Reclass record.
  3. Right-click on the reclassed CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.
  4. Within the CT Destination drop-downs, select the new Destination values (e.g., CT Destination Financial Unit, CT Destination Project, CT Destination Fund, CT Destination Function, CT Destination Task).
  5. Once all information is entered, select Save to submit all of your data entry to the database.
  6. Right-click on any blue cells within Column A (i.e., CT Commitment Status) to activate the Action Menu, then select Approve and Push Commitment - this creates a 2nd Transfer In Commitment record tied to the new Destination, and ensures the new Destination is credited what has been transferred to date.

    EPBCS Web App 7.3 Approve and Push

  7. Navigate back to Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified.
  8. Locate the Base Commit record under the CTID you reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include the Base Commit record.
  9. Right-click on the Base CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.
  10. From the Details 1 YR Horizon view, select the Save button to calculate the record.
  11. Right-click on any blue cells within Column A (i.e., CT Commitment Status) to activate the Action Menu, then select Approve and Push Commitment - this ensures the old destination is debited what has been transferred to date.
  12. Navigate back to Task 7.4 Review Commitments Journal Extract.
  13. Verify that your Credits and Debits are appearing appropriately on the Journal Extract.

Reclass Budget Type

  1. Within the Reclass Commitment prompt window, enter the new Budget Type within the NEW Budget Type field - you can either directly input the value or use the member selector to the right of the field.

    EPBCS Web App Reclass Prompt budget

  2. Click the Launch button within the prompt window - you should receive a message that the rule ran successfully - if you receive an error message, make sure your new Source element(s) include a valid NEW Financial Unit / NEW Project intersection.
  3. Locate the new Re-Class Commitments record under the CTID you just reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include your new Reclass record.

  4. Right-click on the reclassed CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select a Details Time Horizon view - your selection will depend on the term of your Reclassed Commitment.
  5. Within the Details Time Horizon view, make necessary updates, for example:
    • CT Expenditure Type may need to be changed from a Recurring Account Code to a One-Time Account Code.
    • CT End Date may need to be extended, i.e., changed from Recurring to One-Time MultiYr.
    • Additional fiscal year data may need to be entered, i.e., changed from Recurring to One-Time MultiYr.
  6. Select the Save button to submit all of your data entry to the database.
  7. Right-click on any blue cells within Column A (i.e., CT Commitment Status) to activate the Action Menu, then select Approve and Push Commitment to generate a new Transfer In record.

    EPBCS Web App 7.3 Approve and Push

  8. Return to Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified and locate the original Base Commit record for the reclassed CTID, and navigate to the Details 1 Year Horizon view for that record.
  9. Within the Details 1 Year Horizon view, run the Approve and Push Commitment action - this ensures the old destination is debited what has been transferred to date.
  10. Open a new sheet and navigate to Task 7.4 Review Commitments Journal Extract.
  11. Verify that your Credits and Debits are appearing appropriately on the Journal Extract. 


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.