This article describes how to run the User Roles Report in Oracle.
Essential Information
Next Steps
1. Click on the link to go to the Business Analytics Hub (BAH).
2. Search for Campus User Roles and the click the report name or Launch button to open the report.

3. If required, log into Oracle as usual using Company Single Sign-On.

4. Prompts Page - view results by entering any of the following criteria in the fields, partial terms are supported:
- Full Name - Employee/Affiliate ID: Enter or use the dropdown menu to search for the last name, first name of the user, or search by UCPath/Affiliate ID.
- Home Department: Select the UCPath home department(s).
- OFC Username - Refers to technical ID for each user account in OFC. It is not a UCSD email address.
- Email address: Official UCSD Email address ending with @ucsd.edu, not @health.ucsd.edu or @eng.ucsd.edu alias.
- Role Prompts
- Role - select roles individually (tip: use browser search function (Ctrl-F) to fund any part of the term you are looking for.)
- Role Name Contains - Find users with specific roles by entering a Module abbreviation or Financial Unit Number:
- Enter Oracle module abbreviation to view all roles assigned to users in that area: e.g. AP, PO, PPM, GL, etc.
- Or enter Financial Unit Number: e.g. 5000051, to view who has been assigned to the following roles:
- Financial Unit Approver: in the report output, shown as: UCSD WF 5000051 Approver JR
- Department Head: in the report output, shown as: UCSD WF 5000051 Department Head JR
- Special Entertainment Approver: in the report output, shown as: UCSD WF 5000051 Special Entertainment Approver JR
6. When fields are complete, click Finish to generate the results for the report.
7. The Campus User Role Report displays, each user/role combination displays own row in the report along with the data security.
Example 1 (Role Name Contains):

Example 2 (Role):

9. Guidance on reviewing results:
- For Oracle & Concur role removal requests, it is recommended to use the Full Name or Email Address fields to pull all roles assigned to the user.
- Purchasing Authority column - Department shoppers will be assigned a Job Grade that distinguishes their Authority:
- Department Shopper 500: DS500
- Department Shopper 2500: DS2500
- Department Shopper 5000: DS5000
- These columns only show data for workflow roles:
- Financial Unit Code and Name
- Financial Unit L4 Code and Name
- Role column will list the same role, but with different data for Business Unit Ledger column.
- Some roles have multiple levels of business unit access.
- Business Unit Ledger column
- UCSD CAMPUS - refers to campus data (not including Health System entities).
- UCSD FOUNDATION - refers to UCSD Foundation data.
- UCSD PHYSICIANS GROUP - refers to UCSD Physician Group data.
- UCSD MEDICAL CENTER - refer to UCSD Health Medical Center data.
- UCSD POPULATION HEALTH - refer to UCSD Population Health data.
- UCSD - refers to Campus and Health System GL data.
- Enterprise Set - disregard this information because it is not of importance to campus departments.
10. To export the report, in upper left, select HTML icon, then click Excel (or any other format) to save report.