FAQ: Subaward Invoices and Payments


This article answers common questions related to subawards and recommended resolutions. 


Q: Why is my invoice showing in PaymentWorks but not in Kuali?

A: Reasons for your invoice not displaying in Kuali: 

NOTE: invoices are manually uploaded into Kuali by Accounts Payable:

  1. The invoice may be stuck if there is no funding left on the subaward.
  2. If the status in Payment Compass says ‘Sent to Department” the Invoice has been processed and should be in Kuali, possibly pending department approval.
  3. If it has been 5 business days since the Invoice was submitted through Payment Compass and it's still not appearing in Kuali, submit a Services & Support case to IPPS Accounts Payable.

Q: Why is my invoice in Kuali with the status “Enroute”?

A: Requisitioner needs to approve/finalize Invoice in Action List.

Q: Why is my invoice status in Kuali “Final” but not in Oracle?

A: Your SSID may need to be updated. If updating your SSID, submit a ticket to Kuali Client Support to approve the update and re-trigger the Invoice(s) for payment.

Q: Why does my invoice status say “Needs Revalidation” in Oracle?

A: The Expenditure Item Date listed occurs after the Award End Date. Submit a Services & Support ticket to IPPS Accounts Payable with approval that the services took place within the Award Date, and Accounts Payable will adjust the Expenditure Item Date in Oracle, so long as the Expenditure Item Date falls within the Award Service Dates.

Q: My supplier received an ACH direct deposit payment with no information, how can I look up where the payment should be applied to?

A: Submit a ticket to IPPS Payment Services, select "Outgoing Payments" for your service offering and include the following information:

  1. Payment Number
  2. Date payment was issued
  3. Payment amount
  4. Supplier ID

Q: My supplier says they never received their ACH direct deposit payment, how can I verify payment?

A: Submit a ticket to IPPS Payment Services, select "Outgoing Payments" for your service offering and include the following information:

  1. Payment Number
  2. Date payment was issued
  3. Payment amount
  4. Supplier ID

Q: How can I reissue payment for a damaged or lost check?

A:Submit a ticket to IPPS Payment Services, select "Outgoing Payments" for your service offering and include the following information:

  1. Payment Number
  2. Date payment was issued
  3. Payment amount
  4. Supplier ID

Q: How can I reissue a check that has incorrect information listed? 

A: The requisitioner should email researchadmin@ucsd.edu.

Q: How can I check payment status?

A: Best practice is to view invoice status in Oracle for detailed information.

  1. Invoice status may be found in Oracle on the Payments tab on the Accounts Payable Invoices module.

Q: Where can I obtain proof of payment, e.g. when a check image is needed?

A: Submit a ticket to IPPS Payment Services, select "Outgoing Payments" for your service offering and include the following information:

  1. Payment Number
  2. Date payment was issued
  3. Payment amount
  4. Supplier ID

Q: Who can I contact for subaward contract questions regarding terms and conditions of the agreement and status e.g. subaward has been Disapproved?

A: Requisitioner should email researchadmin@ucsd.edu.

Q: Who can I contact for questions regarding the performance of the Project, such as milestones met or payments based on Allowable Cost?

A: The subaward requisitioner would be the best point of contact for this information. 

Q: How can I make a change to the Requisitioner on the KR subaward Record?

A: The Department would update the subaward with the new Requisitioner. See steps here, KB0032243: Updating the Requistioner on a Subaward. You can also email researchadmin@ucsd.edu.


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.