This guide covers how to view expenses in your Concur profile and reconcile Procurement Card charges to create and submit an Expense Report.
1. Log into Concur using your Single Sign-On.
2. You can either click on Available Expenses underneath My Tasks, or click the dropdown next to Home and select Expense.
3. The Manage Expenses page displays. This page will show you any reports you have in progress (including reports that have not yet been fully approved) as well as all of your Available Expenses. The Report Library will be at the top of the page:
4. Scroll down to Available Expenses to view your card transactions.
5. In Available Expenses, you can click on an individual transaction to view transaction details.
6. Transaction Details display in Expense Source highlighted box. This includes the card information (last 4 digits of the card are blocked out in this example, but will show on your screen), vendor name, transaction date, posted date, amount, and additional card change information.
1. Log into Concur using your Single Sign-On.
2. There are three different ways you can create a new Expense Report:
There is no right or wrong way to begin the Reporting process, just however you are most comfortable as you work in Concur.
3. The Create New Report pop-up will appear. It defaults to Travel Expenses, so just select Procurement Card Expenses from the Report Type dropdown.
4. The Create New Report form will update to the Procurement Card Expense Report.
5. In Report Name, enter your report name. For example, March 2024 Monthly Expenses.
6. In the Comment field enter any other relevant information for the approver. Please be sure to NOT enter any personally identifiable information in this field, such as a home address.
7. Click Create Report.
8. The Report will create and you will see the Report Number as well as a blank Expenses area where you can begin adding expenses by selecting Add Expense.
Please note: If you used the "Select Expenses > click Move to > click New Report" method of creating the new Procurement Card Expense Report, those expenses you selected will automatically show up on the report once created.
1. Click Add Expense.
2. After clicking Add Expense, a list of your card transactions will show in the Add Expense pop-up. Choose the expenses you'd like to add to the report and then click Add to Report.
3. Those expenses will now show up on your report, and the report total next to the report name will update accordingly.
IMPORTANT: Concur will automatically assign an Expense Type to your transactions based on the Vendor's Merchant Category Code (MCC). Please be sure to double-check this Expense Type and update it appropriately.
4. Click on an expense in order to open it.
5. Be sure to select the appropriate Expenditure Type if the one auto-populated by Concur is not correct, and add the additional required information such as sales tax (if applicable) and the Detailed business purpose for this expense.
IMPORTANT: For additional transparency into the taxable status of expenditure types, taxable types will now say (taxable) at the end of the expenditure type. This means that if you select a taxable expense type but do not enter any sales tax or select an appropriate tax exempt code, then Use Tax will be collected.
6. If an electronic VISA receipt automatically shows up on your expense (this is called LEVEL 3 DATA) then that is sufficient as a receipt on your transaction (your individual department may also require the actual invoice be uploaded as well. Please be sure you are familiar with your specific department's receipt requirements on Procurement Card transactions)
7. If there is no Level 3 Data present, then simply click on Add Receipt in order to upload a copy of your invoice.
8. You will be able to select any receipts already uploaded into your Concur profile, or click Upload New Receipt.
9. Once you've entered all of the required information and attached a receipt, click Save Expense.
10. Repeat this process for each of the expenses on your Expense Report until all of the alerts have been cleared (meaning all required information is now present on all expenses).
11. Lastly, you will need to allocate your expenses. Chart of Accounts information is no longer entered in the report header but rather in the Allocations. Select the expenses to allocate and then click Allocate.
12. Click Add.
13. Select the appropriate Financial Unit and Financial Unit Approver, which are both required fields. (if you have questions about what to select here, speak to your Fund Manager).
14. Then enter one of the following combinations of Chart of Accounts information: (if you have questions about what to select here, speak to your Fund Manager).
15. Once you've added your Project/Task OR Fund/Function/Location/Program click Save.
PLEASE NOTE: For more detailed information on Allocating Expenses within the Expense Report, please see this additional KB0032337: How to Allocate Expenses How to Allocate Expenses in Concur.
1. When you have completed adding Expenses and allocating to the appropriate chart(s) of accounts, click Submit Report.
2. In the User Electronic Agreement, click Accept and Continue.
*Expense reports should be submitted once a month with all of the Procurement Card Expenses/Transactions for that month.
3. Then on the Report Totals pop-up, click Submit Report one final time.
1. In Manage Expenses, select the desired report.
2. Select Report Details and then select Audit Trail or Report Timeline.
3. This will display who has approved the Expense Report and who needs to approve it next.
If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here or call the IPPS Help Desk at (858) 534-9494.