How to Budget Gift Funds using Forms 5.2A and 5.2B


In the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Tool, also known as Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (EPBCS), budget preparers utilize Task List 5 to budget non-compensation expenses for Unrestricted Funds, also referred to as Non-Core Funds. For budgeting on Gift Funds, updates are made using Task 5.2A, which enables the user to access Form 5.2B via a right click menu where direct input of non-compensation expense budgets, as well as revenue and internal resource transfer budgets. Form 5.2A is pre-populated with two years' worth of historical financial data for reference. Additionally, it will display any Staff and Faculty compensation budget data completed in Task Lists 1 and 2.

Essential Information





Steps To Take

Navigate to Task 5 and open Form 5.2A (UCSDRPT) Review Restricted Gift Funds Activity

1. From the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Tool home page, click on Tasks. 

2. Navigate to Task List 5 Review and Manage Non-Core Fund Budgets, expand the triangle to display Task 5.2A (UCSDRPT) Review Restricted Gift Funds Activity, click to load the form. 

3. In Form 5.2A , update the Point of View (POV) using EFinUnit to select the Financial Unit you want to view. 

4. Once EFinUnit has been updated and highlighted in yellow, click the Arrow icon, to save and continue, otherwise your changes will not be saved.

5. Locate the Fund, Function and Project that you wish to budget.

6. Right click on the Project you want to budget for. A menu will display. Click on the Restricted Gift Funds Entry option. A new form will open as a tab on the bottom of your window titled 5.2B (OEP_FS) Enter Restricted Gift Funds Budget by Financial Unit.

7. Form 5.2B will display the Financial Unit, Fund, Function and Project in the Point-of-View. To change the combination, click on a member and locate the new selection. 

8. Once selections have been updated and highlighted in yellow, click the Arrow icon, to save and continue, otherwise your selections will not be saved.

9. In the Direct Input column where white cells are displayed, enter budget figures on any account number that is available. Cells will turn yellow as changes are made.

10. Click Save located in the upper right hand side of the form, the cells change to white indicating that the entries have been successfully updated, a confirmation message displays indicating the data was saved, click OK to close the message.



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