Department Reporting Category and Project Classifications Fields & Definitions


Project Classifications and Department Reporting Categories are fields that can be used to help group and define projects. These can be useful for reporting purposes. This article provide definitions for these fields. 

Essential Information

Key Words:

Next Steps

Project Classifications:

Project TypeProject Class CategoryProject Class Category CodeDescriptionPrefix
UCSD Capital ProjectCapital ProjectCapital ProjectManaged by Capital ProjectsCP
UCSD Default ProjectDefaultDefaultDefaultDFLT
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingCampus FellowshipsUCSD-funded student support.CFEL
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingClinical AdministrationNon-research efforts for the clinical practice.CLIN
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingCommitted ReservesCommitted ReservesCRV
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingCommitteeCross-campus committees.COMT
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingFaculty DiscretionaryUnrestricted monies are allocated to a faculty member.FD
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingFaculty RetentionMonies allocated to a faculty member as part of salary negotiationsFR
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingFaculty Start-UpMonies allocated to a new faculty member.FSU
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingGeneral ReservesGeneral ReservesGRV
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingNon-Sponsored Research AwardResearch awards from gift or internal sourcesNSRA
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingNon-capital ConstructionNon-capital ConstructionNCCON
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingOperationsProjects created that track costs that support organization operationsOPS
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingOtherAny effort best modeled in PPM that does not fit into an established Class Category and Code.OTHR
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingRecharge RecipientRecharge RecipientRCR
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingStrategic InitiativesFor tracking projects that are funded through various other sources and are not part of ongoing school/department operations, may also be funded with carryforward on core.SI
UCSD General ProjectCost TrackingTeamOrganization unit at a level below the Financial Unit structure.TEAM
UCSD General ProjectCourseAcademicCredit-granting courses offered by the campus.ACAD
UCSD General ProjectCourseExtensionCourses solely provided by University Extension. EXT
UCSD General ProjectCourseSAPDStrategic Academic Program Development (courses offered by the academic colleges to the public). The project-owning organization is always the academic department.SAPD
UCSD General ProjectEventEventsShort-term efforts to stage a particular event, such as a conferenceEV
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelBlock GrantFunds for Graduate Student Block GrantBG
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelCombined/Other student supportFunds to support student-related activities not otherwise representedOSS
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelGSGEIFunds to support GSGEIGSGEI
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelDept Support ModelSupport Model - allocations intended to support the operations of schools/departmentsDSM
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelFaculty CompensationFor tracking projects set up to fund faculty salariesFC
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelMASFunds to support MAS student programsMAS
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelMaster's GrowthFunds to support Master's GrowthMG
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelSummer SessionFor tracking summer session coursesSUM
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelTAFunds to support TAs, Readers, etc.TA
UCSD General ProjectFinancial Allocation ModelTemp FTEFunds to support temporary FTEsTFTE
UCSD General ProjectLine of ServiceAuxiliaryAn operation that recovers costs from the publicAUX
UCSD General ProjectLine of ServiceRecharge OperationAn operation that recovers costs from other UCSD entitiesREC
UCSD General ProjectService AgreementNon-Research Service AgreementEfforts where UCSD hands are doing work for third parties, unrelated to researchNSA
UCSD General ProjectService AgreementResearch Service AgreementEfforts where UCSD hands are doing work for third parties - must be created by KR integrationRSA
UCSD General ProjectService AgreementMembership AgreementFor those service agreements that are set up as memberships with outside entitiesMEM
UCSD Fabrication General Project   FABGP
UCSD Sponsored ProjectResearchCost ShareSponsored Projects to track Cost Sharing expensesSP
UCSD Sponsored ProjectResearchResearchTraditional grants for research projectsSP
UCSD Sponsored ProjectResearchTraining GrantSponsored Projects that are Training GrantsSP
UCSD Fabrication Sponsored ProjectResearchResearchSponsored FabricationFABSP


NOTE: All Categories and Category Codes for "Type: UCSD General Project" are the same as for "Type: UCSD General Project with Burdening."

All Categories and Category Codes for "Type: UCSD Sponsored Project" are the same as for "Type: DNU UCSD Sponsor Project" and "UCSD Fabrication Sponsored Project."


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