Project Type | Project Class Category | Project Class Category Code | Description | Prefix |
UCSD Capital Project | Capital Project | Capital Project | Managed by Capital Projects | CP |
UCSD Default Project | Default | Default | Default | DFLT |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Campus Fellowships | UCSD-funded student support. | CFEL |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Clinical Administration | Non-research efforts for the clinical practice. | CLIN |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Committed Reserves | Committed Reserves | CRV |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Committee | Cross-campus committees. | COMT |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Faculty Discretionary | Unrestricted monies are allocated to a faculty member. | FD |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Faculty Retention | Monies allocated to a faculty member as part of salary negotiations | FR |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Faculty Start-Up | Monies allocated to a new faculty member. | FSU |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | General Reserves | General Reserves | GRV |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Non-Sponsored Research Award | Research awards from gift or internal sources | NSRA |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Non-capital Construction | Non-capital Construction | NCCON |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Operations | Projects created that track costs that support organization operations | OPS |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Other | Any effort best modeled in PPM that does not fit into an established Class Category and Code. | OTHR |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Recharge Recipient | Recharge Recipient | RCR |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Strategic Initiatives | For tracking projects that are funded through various other sources and are not part of ongoing school/department operations, may also be funded with carryforward on core. | SI |
UCSD General Project | Cost Tracking | Team | Organization unit at a level below the Financial Unit structure. | TEAM |
UCSD General Project | Course | Academic | Credit-granting courses offered by the campus. | ACAD |
UCSD General Project | Course | Extension | Courses solely provided by University Extension. | EXT |
UCSD General Project | Course | SAPD | Strategic Academic Program Development (courses offered by the academic colleges to the public). The project-owning organization is always the academic department. | SAPD |
UCSD General Project | Event | Events | Short-term efforts to stage a particular event, such as a conference | EV |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Block Grant | Funds for Graduate Student Block Grant | BG |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Combined/Other student support | Funds to support student-related activities not otherwise represented | OSS |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | GSGEI | Funds to support GSGEI | GSGEI |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Dept Support Model | Support Model - allocations intended to support the operations of schools/departments | DSM |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Faculty Compensation | For tracking projects set up to fund faculty salaries | FC |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | MAS | Funds to support MAS student programs | MAS |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Master's Growth | Funds to support Master's Growth | MG |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Summer Session | For tracking summer session courses | SUM |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | TA | Funds to support TAs, Readers, etc. | TA |
UCSD General Project | Financial Allocation Model | Temp FTE | Funds to support temporary FTEs | TFTE |
UCSD General Project | Line of Service | Auxiliary | An operation that recovers costs from the public | AUX |
UCSD General Project | Line of Service | Recharge Operation | An operation that recovers costs from other UCSD entities | REC |
UCSD General Project | Service Agreement | Non-Research Service Agreement | Efforts where UCSD hands are doing work for third parties, unrelated to research | NSA |
UCSD General Project | Service Agreement | Research Service Agreement | Efforts where UCSD hands are doing work for third parties - must be created by KR integration | RSA |
UCSD General Project | Service Agreement | Membership Agreement | For those service agreements that are set up as memberships with outside entities | MEM |
UCSD Fabrication General Project | | | | FABGP |
UCSD Sponsored Project | Research | Cost Share | Sponsored Projects to track Cost Sharing expenses | SP |
UCSD Sponsored Project | Research | Research | Traditional grants for research projects | SP |
UCSD Sponsored Project | Research | Training Grant | Sponsored Projects that are Training Grants | SP |
UCSD Fabrication Sponsored Project | Research | Research | Sponsored Fabrication | FABSP |