This article describes how you can determine who approves any role request by reviewing the submitted request in Services & Support Ticket Details.
1. Sign into Services & Support (Copy & Paste URL into browser).
2. Click the link to be directed to the Role Request Approver Lookup Tool.
3. Use the highlighted field under Select the OFC Financial Unit header:
4. Or use the highlighted field under Select a User header.
Find Role Request Approver from Submitted Role Request
1. Sign into Services & Support (Copy & Paste URL into browser).
2. After signing into Services and Support, click on My Stuff then Tickets and open the desired ticket in the section of the Ticket Details.
3. In the section with Ticket Details, the actual pending approvers' names are displayed under Approval requested:
How to Update the Role Request Approver Group
If your department needs to request a person be added or removed from a role request approver group, then please use the Submit a Ticket form and enter/select the following information:
NOTE: Please note that the request should be submitted by the Department Business Officer or MSO or delegate.