Logistics Self-Store provides a variety of unit sizes in a secure warehouse storage space.
- Before completing the steps below, please contact a Logistics representative via Services & Support to confirm self-storage availability.
Essential Information
- We are located at 7835 Trade St., Suite 100 & Suite 300.
- To contact Logistics about Self-Store, please submit a case to the UC San Diego Services and Support Portal.
- A Logistics representative will provide you with up-to-date cage availability and the next steps for completing a Self-Store rental agreement.
Next Steps
- Before proceeding, ensure that you have contacted a Logistics representative via Services & Support to confirm self-storage availability.
- Login to the Logistics Portal (SSO/VPN required)
- Click on the Logistics Request Form icon, located on the left.
- In the Request Type, select Self-Store Submission and complete the form.
- Did you contact a Logistics representative prior to completing this form? If not, please return to step 1.
- Once the form has been completed and submitted, you will be contacted by a Logistics representative to finalize your request.