This article describes how to connect to the Resource Commitment Tracking Tool through the Oracle Planning and Budgeting (EPBCS) Web Application or Smart View Excel Add-in. The Resource Commitment Tracking Tool collects and consolidates Resource Commitments throughout the UC San Diego organization, and provides data exports for creating journal files for actual resource transfers in the General Ledger. Access to the tool is limited to a specific user base of campus, VC, and Dean level units who manage resources and subsequently transfer to departments for actual spending. Users are currently limited to Level B and above of the Financial Unit Hierarchy.
1. Navigate to EPBCS Production environment here.
2. On the sign-in page, click UCSD Single Sign-On.
4. On the Single Sign-On screen, log in using your Active Directory (AD) credentials.
5. From the EPBCS Home Page, select the Tasks tile.
6. Click on the caret, to expand the 7 - Create and Manage Commitments Task List.
7. Click on the relevant Task to enter the tool
a. If you have installed Smart View but do not see it in the navigation ribbon, navigate within the ribbon to Developer > COM Add-ins and make sure the box to the left of Oracle Smart View for Office is checked, and select OK.
2. From the Smart View Panel on the right side, select Private Connections.
3. From the Private Connections drop-down menu, select the appropriate connection.
4. If asked to sign in, on the sign-in page, click UCSD Single Sign-On.
5. Use the + signs to expand the UCSDPLAN and Task List menus, and double-click on 7 - Create and Manage Commitments to open the relevant Task List.
6. Double-click on the relevant Task to launch the tool.