How to Run and Export the Receivables Aging Report by Financial Unit


This article details a step by step process on running and exporting the Receivables Aging Report. The Receivables Aging Report is a record that shows the unpaid Invoice balances along with the duration that they have been outstanding. Additionally, the Receivables Aging Report can contain detail and summary information about the customer's current and past due Invoices.

Essential Information

Next Steps

  1. Log in to Oracle.
  2. On the Home page, select the Tools tab, then the Financial Reporting Center module.
    1. Click All
    2. In the Search field, enter Receivables Aging Report, click Search icon.

  3. By default, All Financial Unit ID's  are selected, unselect All.
  4. More than one Financial Unit can be selected.
  5. Select the Financial Unit ID, As of date, Report Type, Detailed or Summary, click Apply.
  6. The Receivables Aging Report will display.
  7. To Export the report, select the Gear icon on the upper right, select Export and desired output.


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