This article describes how to claim a Commitment ID via Task 7.1, which is the first step in creating a new Commitment record in the Resource Commitment Tracking Tool (RCTT). Please note, the following steps are for users of the EPBCS web application.
Essential Information
- How to Claim a Commitment ID in EPBCS using Smart View is a separate article.
- Claiming a Commitment ID (CTID) immediately removes that ID from the available pool while the user continues to enter data associated with that Commitment.
- When claiming the CTID, the user must select the Funding Source and Budget Type (Recurring, One Time, One Time Multi Year) for the Commitment.
- Funding Sources and Destinations are selected at the Financial Unit>Project>Fund>Function level in the RCTT, in alignment with the way resources are transferred on the General Ledger.
- The Recurring Budget Type should only be used if the Commitment is meant to increase the Destination’s Recurring Base Budget.
- If a Commitment amount is regularly distributed year-after-year, but is not Base-building, user should select a Budget Type of One Time Multi Year.
Next Steps
- Go to EPBCS.
- Login using Single Sign-On.
- On the EPBCS Home Page, click on the Tasks tile.
- Click on the caret to the left of 7—Create and Manage Commitments to expand the Task List.
- Click on Task 7.1 Activate Commitment.
- In 7.1 Activate Commitment, within the POV, in EFinUnit select the Source Financial Unit.
- In the Select a Member dialog box, use the Search EFinUnit field, to enter a Financial Unit Number or Name to return a limited set of results. Alternatively, click on the arrow to the right of parent members to drill through the hierarchy, starting with FU_16000AA: UC San Diego until reaching the desired posting-level Financial Unit.
- Once you have found the desired Financial Unit, select it and verify a blue checkmark displays to the left of your selected Financial Unit, then click OK.
- Repeat this step for the desired Project, Fund, Function, and Budget Type.
NOTE: Only Financial Units that you have access to are available in the drop-down menu. Make sure you select a valid Financial Unit/Project combination, or you will receive an error message when attempting to activate the CTID. You are able to select PJ0000000: No Project if you wish to transfer resources only at the Financial Unit-Fund-Function level.
- If you have changed any fields within the POV (i.e., Financial Unit, Project, Fund, Function, and/or Budget Type), the POV field will display yellow, indicating that data needs to be passed through the system—click the arrow to the right of the POV to proceed.
- Verify that your Financial Unit, Project, Fund, Function, and Budget Type selections are correct and have passed through - if any yellow selections remain, repeat Step #10.
- Select an available CTID and right-click to initiate the Action Menu, then select Activate | Create Commitment.
NOTE: Make note of this CTID (for a future step in Task 7.2).
- A message displays indicating the commitment activation was successful, and that CTID will no longer be available in the list of Commitment IDs, click OK to return to the Task.
- If you need to activate multiple CTIDs, repeat Steps #6-13 as needed.
- When ready to move on, click on the Task Lists tab in the bottom-left corner of the form - this will bring you back to the Task List page.
- Repeat step #4 to expand Task List 7 - Create and Manage Commitments, and click on either 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified or 7.2B Enter Basic Commitment Data - Full to begin entering additional data for your commitment(s).