How to Claim a Commitment ID in EPBCS Web Application


This article describes how to claim a Commitment ID via Task 7.1, which is the first step in creating a new Commitment record in the Resource Commitment Tracking Tool (RCTT). Please note, the following steps are for users of the EPBCS web application.

Essential Information

Next Steps

  1. Go to EPBCS.
  2. Login using Single Sign-On.
  3. On the EPBCS Home Page, click on the Tasks tile.

    epbcs home page

  4. Click on the caret to the left of 7Create and Manage Commitments to expand the Task List.
  5. Click on Task 7.1 Activate Commitment.
    epbcs Task 7 task list
  6. In 7.1 Activate Commitment, within the POV, in EFinUnit select the Source Financial Unit.
    epbcs 7.1 pov
  7. In the Select a Member dialog box, use the Search EFinUnit field, to enter a Financial Unit Number or Name to return a limited set of results. Alternatively, click on the arrow to the right of parent members to drill through the hierarchy, starting with FU_16000AA: UC San Diego until reaching the desired posting-level Financial Unit. 

    epbcs 7.1 finu selection part 1

  8. Once you have found the desired Financial Unit, select it and verify a blue checkmark displays to the left of your selected Financial Unit, then click OK.

    epbcs 7.1 finu selection part 2

  9. Repeat this step for the desired Project, Fund, Function, and Budget Type.

    Only Financial Units that you have access to are available in the drop-down menu. Make sure you select a valid Financial Unit/Project combination, or you will receive an error message when attempting to activate the CTID. You are able to select PJ0000000: No Project if you wish to transfer resources only at the Financial Unit-Fund-Function level.

  10. If you have changed any fields within the POV (i.e., Financial Unit, Project, Fund, Function, and/or Budget Type), the POV field will display yellow, indicating that data needs to be passed through the system—click the arrow to the right of the POV to proceed.

    epbcs 7.1 POV arrow

  11. Verify that your Financial Unit, Project, Fund, Function, and Budget Type selections are correct and have passed through - if any yellow selections remain, repeat Step #10.
  12. Select an available CTID and right-click to initiate the Action Menu, then select Activate | Create Commitment.

    NOTE: Make note of this CTID (for a future step in Task 7.2).

    epbcs 7.1 activate action

  13. A message displays indicating the commitment activation was successful, and that CTID will no longer be available in the list of Commitment IDs, click OK to return to the Task.
  14. If you need to activate multiple CTIDs, repeat Steps #6-13 as needed.
  15. When ready to move on, click on the Task Lists tab in the bottom-left corner of the form - this will bring you back to the Task List page.

    epbcs 7.1 task lists button
  16. Repeat step #4 to expand Task List 7 - Create and Manage Commitments, and click on either 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified or 7.2B Enter Basic Commitment Data - Full to begin entering additional data for your commitment(s).  


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