Recharge Plus App Best Practices


This article describes the best practices for processing recharge transactions through the Recharge Plus Application. The Recharge Plus App is to be used for Recharge Operations, Recharge Mechanisms such as Auxiliaries, and Recording Differential Income and Equipment Depreciation.  Please review, KB0033521: How to Process Transactions in the Recharge Plus Application. Cost Transfers should not be processed as a recharge; please see, KBA0033191 Cost Transfer Guide. Additionally, Recharges are used to recover costs when one UCSD Department provides a service/product to another UCSD Department for a fee as an institutionally approved Sales and Service Activity. Recharge Cost Recovery, sometimes referred to as Internal Revenue or Recharge Income, is not reported the same way on Financial Statements as External Revenue nor is it recognized as Revenue. The credit for a Recharge is not accounted for as Revenue, but as Cost Recovery, negative Project Costs. 


Essential Information

Next Steps

    1. Clearly bookmark the Recharge Plus DEV (test) site and the Recharge Plus PROD (live) sites:   
      1. Recharge Plus DEV:    
      2. Recharge Plus PROD:  
    2. Practice in Recharge Plus DEV before acting in Recharge Plus PROD:  
      1. This applies to new users, to users who are attempting a new action (e.g., reversing charges), to those acting as a backup and haven’t actively processed transactions, or anyone who needs to gain familiarity with the system in a low-risk environment.
    3. Put detailed information in Charge Description field:  
      1. The Charge Description is the main source of information for customers to identify the purpose of the charge. It is recommended to be specific and clear, without including any special characters or formatting. Keep in mind the character limit referenced in the Recharge Plus Import Template Guide linked below under Resources.  
    4. Notify customers (outside the system) that they’re being charged:  
      1. The Recharge Plus App does not have the functionality to attach documentation to the transaction. Send communication about the transaction (e.g., invoice, monthly summary of charges) outside the system.  
    5. Confirm that transactions loaded in Oracle:
      1. After confirming the transaction status in the Recharge Plus App is “Submitted”, look up the batch number in Oracle to confirm that all lines in the batch were successfully loaded.
      2. Specifically, confirm that 1) the batch contains twice the number of lines (one CR, one DR) as contained in the import file and 2) that the total amount is equal to zero. 
      3. See the How to Confirm Transactions in Oracle video below.
    6. Import transactions in a timely manner:  
      1. While it is possible to backdate transactions, the best practice is to process transactions in a timely manner, to allow customers to account for the changes on their end. For example, it’s not ideal for a customer to receive 6 months' worth of backdated transactions in a single batch.  

Supplemental Guides

To submit a ticket regarding PPM File Submissions, select the following options:   


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.