This article will walk you through the changes that Integrated Procure-to-Pay Solutions (IPPS) has made for our service offerings in Services & Support. Please note that these changes will are planned for release on July 23, 2024.
Q: What is a service offering?
A: A service offering is the selection that you make when submitting a ticket in Services & Support to route your questions to the appropriate team. As a customer, you will see this as the "More Specifically..." option.
Note: You can use the "More Specifically..." option to auto-populate the other fields in the ticket submission form.
Q: What changes were made to the service offerings?
A: 13 were added, 11 were removed, 10 were renamed, and 10 were re-routed.
Q: How do I know which service offering to choose?
A: You may use our IPPS Help Guide (KB0035205) that outlines all the definitions for all of our service offerings and help you make the most informed decision.
Q: Why was a service offering added?
A: After reviewing our platform data, we noticed inquiries were often mismatched with service offerings. To better meet customer needs, we now offer 13 new service categories for previously hard-to-categorize inquiries.
Note: A list of added service offerings are shown below:
- Concur Airfaire & Hotel (CTS)
- Pending Card Transaction (CTS)
- Reopening Travel Requests
- Concur Commitments
- Virtual Card - New Enrollment
- New PCard Inquiry
- Direct Deposit/Internal ACH
- ACH Inquiries
- ACH Issued, Incorrect Payee
- ACH Issued, Outdated Bank Account
- Check Issued, Incorrect Payee
- Check Issued, Changing Payment Method
- Foreign Wire Status
Q: Why was a service offering removed?
A: We noticed some service offerings were underutilized (fewer than 10 inquiries a month) or were represented in other service offerings that campus utilized more frequently.
Note: A list of impacted service offerings are shown below:
- Late Fees (Travel & Entertainment Card)
- Direct Deposit/Paymode-X
- Paymode-X
- Setup/Change Direct Deposit (Non Payroll)
- Researching a Deposit
- Subrecipient Invoice
- Incorrect Payment (Urgent)
- Stop Payment
- Messenger Service Billing
- Messenger Service Edits
- Messenger Service Procedures
Q: Why was a service offering renamed?
A: Service offerings were renamed to prevent mis-routing and create a more intuitive selection process for users.
Note: A list of impacted service offerings are shown below:
- Travel Reconcilitation How-To & Reconciliation How-To was combined and renamed to Reconciliation How-To (Travel & Entertainment Expenses)
- Wire was renamed to Travel Wire
- Travel Move was renamed to New Employee Relocation
- Delegation of Authority was renamed to Concur Approver Role Inquiries
- Travel & Entertainment Card MCC was renamed to Travel & Entertainment Card - Merchant Category Code (MCC)
- Disbursements Gift Cardswas renamed to Gift Cards (Employee/Non-Employee)
- Human Subject Compensation was renamed to Gift Cards (Human Subject Compensation) and Payment to PI
- Cancel or Stop Check (Outgoing Payments) was renamed to Check Issued, Outdated Address
- Reissue Unclaimed Check (Outgoing Payments) was renamed to Reissuing Uncashed Checks
Q: What does it mean when a service offering was re-routed?
A: Re-routed service offerings will now go to teams better equipped to handle them, reducing ticket wait times.
Note: A list of impacted service offerings are shown below:
- Personal/Non-Reimbursable PCard Charges
- PCard Home Address Submission
- Expense Report or PCard Request Errors
- Virtual Card Instructions
- Travel Related Exception to Policy
- Deposits & Down Payments
- 1099 Inquiry
- California Nonresident Withholding
If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here, or call the IPPS Solutions Team at (858) 534-9494.