This article assists with creating a Procurement Card Update Request in Concur. Please note, in order to process a Procurement Card Update Request on behalf of another UCSD employee, the employee will need to add you as their delegate.
- Familiarize yourself with the Procurement Card Policies before making any updates to the card. Please refer to the Procurement Card Blink Pages for policy and restriction information.
Essential Information
- Red alerts in a request are hard stops that provide information as to what you need to update or what you are missing.
- Orange alerts are informational only and provide key details about policy that you should be aware of upon submission.
- To learn how to assign users to act on your behalf, please refer to KB0031969: How to add a Request Delegate and an Expense Delegate in Concur.
- To learn about acting as a delegate for another user, please refer to KB0031975: How to act as a Delegate in Concur.
- To learn how to apply for a new card, please refer to KB0032050: How to Request A New Procurement Card.
- To learn how to request for Procurement Card Expense Report Delegation (Delegation of Authority), please refer to KB0033373: How to Request Delegation of Authority.
- If a limit increase request is larger than normal, there should be higher levels of accountability to reduce your department's liability
- Review the Common Purchases & Restrictions page in Blink to verify no purchases are made from the restricted items list, no contracts are required or signed, and attachments are appropriately uploaded.
- If it is a questionable purchase, contact the Procurement Card team via Services and Support to ensure your department’s Procurement Cards are not put at risk of suspension or closure.
- The following actions are available in Concur:
- Card Cancel
- Permanent Limit Increase
- Temporary Limit Increase
- New Card Request
- Delegation of Authority
- P-Card Merchant Category Code (MCC) Request
- Mail Code Change
- Name Change
- P-Card Ship Goods to Off-Campus Address
Next Steps
- Log into Concur using your Single Sign-On.
- Click on Home dropdown and select Requests.

- Click on the Create New Request button.

- In Request Type, select University Credit Card Request, this will update the form to the University Credit Card Request form.

- In Request Name, depending on the request type you are making, enter Temporary Limit Increase, Card Cancel, Permanent Limit Increase, Mail Code Change, Name Change, MCC Request or P-Card Ship Goods to Off-Campus Address.

- In Date, click on the Calendar icon, then select today's date, or manually enter today’s date.

- In Payment Product Type, select Procurement Card.

- Select your Financial Unit and Financial Unit Approver
- If you have questions on what to enter here, please speak with your fund manager.

- In Comment, enter any additional information that will be helpful for the approvers.

- Click Create Request

- Select Add under Expected Expenses.

- The Add Expected Expenses pop-up will display.

- From this window, under University Card, select desired expense type for:
- Card Cancel, select Close/Cancel Card.
- Permanent Limit Increase, select Limit Increase/Decrease.
- Temporary Limit Increase, select Limit Increase/Decrease.
- Permanent Limit Decrease, select Limit Increase/Decrease.
- Temporary Limit Decrease, select Limit Increase/Decrease.
- Mail Code Change, select Update Mail Code.
- Name Change, select Update Name on Card.
- P-Card Merchant Category Code Request, select PCard MCC Request.
- P-Card Ship Goods to Off-Campus Address, select PCard Ship Goods to Off-Campus Address.
NOTE: This article does not cover New Card Requests or Delegation of Authority Requests, please refer to KB0032050: How to Request a New Procurement Card and KB0033373: How to Submit a Procurement Card Delegation of Authority Request in Concur.
- The following is an example of a Temporary Limit Increase. Under University Card, select Limit Increase/Decrease.
Contract Involved? If Yes, the Procurement Card cannot be used as the payment method for this expense. See explanations to assist you in determining the correct payment type to select when using Oracle and Concur.

- A new page will display with Expense information.

- Using Temporary Limit Increase as an example, complete the fields, particularly those with an asterisk as they are required:
- Increase/Decrease: select Temporary Increase
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Single Transaction Limit as needed (please note; the standard Single Transaction Limit is $4,999)
- Cycle Limit as needed (please note; the standard Cycle Limit is $20,000)
- Temp Limit Start Date
- Temp Limit End Date
- Detailed business purpose for this request

For other Expense Types, enter the required information as follows:
- Card Cancel:
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Name on Existing Card
- Reason for Cancellation
- Card Close/Cancel Effective Date, do not future date the Card Cancel Request, even if the Card Cancel Request is future dated, the Procurement Card team will cancel the card in question when the Request is received at Central Office.
- Detailed business purpose for this request: State "Card Cancel", as well as the reason for cancel.
- Permanent Limit Increase:
- Increase/Decrease, select Permanent Increase.
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Single Transaction Limit as needed
- Cycle Limit as needed
- Temp Limit Dates can be left blank
- Detailed business purpose for this request: To avoid a delay in processing, provide a detailed justification on why the permanent increase is being requested
- Update Mail Code:
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Updated Mail Code
- Other Address Fields can be left blank, as all Procurement Cards must keep the 9500 Gilman Drive billing address. It is only the Mail Code that can be updated.
- Detailed business purpose for this request: provide the reason for the mail code update (please note that the billing address on a Procurement Card cannot be changed).
- Update Name on Card:
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Name on Existing Card
- New First Name and Last Name
- Detailed business purpose for this request: state the reason for the name change.
- PCard MCC Request
- Cardholder Name
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Contract Involved? If Yes, the Procurement Card cannot be used as the payment method for this expense. See explanations to assist you in determining the correct payment type to select when using Oracle and Concur.
- Lyft Event/Concierge? If Yes, Lyft Events and Lyft Concierge require additional set-up and approval. Submit a request via the UC San Diego Services & Support Portal, see this Blink page for information and guidance on this process.
- Permanent or Temporary Open Request (if temporary, enter date range)
- MCC Code: If you spoke to the bank regarding a decline, this would be the MCC they provided to you. If applicable, the Procurement Card team can also locate it if you were declined or have received an exception for the vendor before in the past. PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to identify an MCC code unless your card has already been declined or you have submitted a PCard MCC Request for this vendor in the past.
- For more information on obtaining the MCC for a purchase, please see this Blink FAQ.
- Detailed business purpose for this request: A detailed and valid business purpose of what is being purchased and why.
- P-Card Ship Goods to Off-Campus Address:
- Last 4 Digits of Existing Card
- Type of Exception (Temporary or Permanent) - (if temporary, enter date range)
- Detailed business purpose for this request: A detailed and valid business purpose of why you need to be able to ship goods to an address other than campus.
- Click Save to save entries for the selected Expense Type.

- Under Expected Expenses, a line item containing your selected Expense Type will display.

- To add attachments, select Attachments, then select Attach Documents.
- A Permanent Limit Increase requires the signed Procurement Card Permanent Limit Increase Form.
- ANY Limit Increase or MCC request requires the invoice or a detailed breakdown of the purchase(s).

- To attach the necessary documentation, select Upload and Attach to select a file(s) to upload.

- To submit your request, select Submit Request, scroll down and read through the acknowledgements, then select Accept & Continue.

- Once the Request has been submitted, it will be routed to your Department Administrator (DA), your Financial Unit (FinUnit) approver, then Central Office for final review and approval.
- Once the Procurement Team receives the Request, based on the Expense Type:
- Card Cancel: your card will be cancelled within 24 hours.
- Permanent Limit Increase: Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours, but may take longer for final approval, as Permanent Limit Increase Requests require approval from the BFS Purchasing Manager.
- Temporary Limit Increase: Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours. If additional information is required, we will send the Request back. Based on your input, the Request will be approved or denied.
- Update Mail Code: Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours.
- Update Name on Card: Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours.
- You will receive your new card in about 7-10 business days from U.S. Bank, and it will be mailed to you campus mail code on file with the bank.
- In the meantime, you can continue to use your current card.
- Once you have received your new card, please destroy your old card.
- For any tracking related inquiries, please contact U.S Bank at (800) 344-5696.
- P-Card Merchant Category Code (MCC) Request: Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours. If additional information is required, we will send the Request back. Based on your input, the Request will be approved or denied.
- P-Card Ship Goods to Off-Campus Address: Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours. If additional information is required, we will send the Request back. Based on your input, the Request will be approved or denied.
NOTE: In instances where there is not sufficient information for the Procurement Card team to review, your Request will be returned.