Upon receipt of a fully executed Award amount from the sponsor, the authorized amount must be allocated to the Project. The Project Budget Allocation must be completed/baselined in order for costs to be incurred for all types of Award. This process is completed in the Oracle Awards PPM module in the Project tab. For additional detailed steps, please refer to the STaRT tool here.
Essential Information
- Once the Award has been finalized, the Sponsored Projects Finance (SPF) Award Accountant will send an email notification to the Fund Manager that the Award is ready for Budget Allocation.
- The Fund Manager/department contact assigned to the Award may be responsible for setting-up the initial budget as well as future changes to the budget.
- Budget modifications that require prior approval from the agency will need go through OCGA and be reflected in Kuali Research (KR).
- Re-budgeting request between projects will need to be submitted by fund managers by sumbitting a ticket.
- It is best practice that Budget Allocation be submitted within 48 hours after the Award is finalized or modification is received otherwise OFC will block any charges to the project.
- If the Fund Manager is not able to initiate the budget within 48 hours, they may request that their Award accountant initiate and baseline the budget for the Award.
- The Award Accountant will:
- Review the budget and approve/set-baseline as appropriate within 48 hours of submission from the Fund Manager.
- Upon request by the Fund Manager, initiate and baseline the budget for Awards as follows, if Fund Manager is not able to in a timely manner.
- Operating Expenses: Total Direct Cost
- Indirect Cost: Total Indirect Cost
- Process Re-budgeting between Projects as requested by the Fund Managers.
- Process budget restrictions to Financial Resources budget resource for NIH awards where carry over requires prior approval and any other financial restrictions per the Notice of Award.
- At Fiscal Year-end, process Allocations for the Awards with budget start date thru June 30 that has not been submitted by Fund Managers.
- During Award close out, the Award Accountant or the Fund Manager have the option to process a deallocation from the Project budget to match final invoice or final report.
Next Steps
Budget Resources
- The following Budget Resources will be used to set-up the budget, these resources map to UCSD language, not the seeded resources in OFC PPM.
- Full listing of Expenditure Types can be found in UCSD-DSH Project Information Lookup > click on the Expenditure Type tab, this report can also be found in BAH.
- Benefit Expenses
- Capital and CIP Expenses
- Financial Aid and Scholarship Expenses
- Indirect Costs
- Intercampus Subcontracts
- Operating Expenses
- Other Expenses
- Personnel Expenses
- Revenue Transactions
- Stipends
- Subcontracts
- Travel Expenses
- Tuition/Fee Remission
- UCSD Equipment
Additional Information
For step by step instructions on Creating and Modifying Budgets in PPM Award Space, please click here.