Detail codes are used in ISIS to identify where your department will receive credit or expense from student billings. Since ISIS data feeds into Oracle, you will have to provide Oracle chart string data. If there is an associated Project, then POETAF information will also need to be completed during the request.
Essential Information
- Completing all segments of the ISIS recommended cells (yellow highlights) and OFC chart string on the request form will give you a quicker turnaround for your ISIS detail code request.
- The Function must always be provided when requesting detail codes that have Projects.
- General Projects should have Function 780 included in all detail code requests.
- The PPM Task should be associated with Function 780.
- If the detail code is for an Expenditure Account, it must have a Function.
- For Sponsored Projects, use the Function code of the Sponsored Project.
- All requests for Graduate payment detail codes (ie, to pay stipends or tuition & fees on behalf of a student), must route through the Division of Graduate Education, and do not follow the same process below. See AIDID: Request New or Update for guidance on Graduate payment detail codes.
- All requests for Graduate charge detail codes (ie, to charge special program fees and collect revenue against the program's finu) should follow the process outlined below.
- Application priority accuracy is important to make sure payments are automatically applying to the correct charges. Use the description next to each priority # as a reference.
- Charge Type
- Student incurred charges (800-859)
- Non-Student charges (0)
- Payment Type Logic
- Payment with 800 can apply to charges beginning with 800
- Payment with 850 can apply to charges to 85*
- Payment with 859 cannot apply to charges 850-858
- Payment with 0 can apply to all charges regardless of application priority (used by SFS Only)
Next Steps
1. Submit an ISIS Detail Code Request and attach a completed ISIS Detail Code Request Excel File
- The ISIS Detail Code Request form location: Services & Support Portal > Budget and Finance > Get help > Categories: Financial Accounting > ISIS Detail Code Request
2. There are two sections on the form to complete:
a. Detail Code Information: Additional guidance for this section can be found at Complete these items in the Detail Code Information section
b. Accounting Information:
- "Required Accounting" lines will be in red font and highlighted in yellow based on the process type selected. It is highly recommended you complete required ISIS accounting data to avoid processing delays.
- OFC data for the chart string is needed to process the request.
- Fields under POETAF are not required unless the detail code is to be associated with a Project.