How to Check Starting Balances in PPM General Projects


This article is only for reference, PPM entries removed as of May 2021. Carry forward balances as of June 30, 2020 were allocated to both the General Ledger (GL) and Project Portfolio Management (PPM), if applicable (IFIS Budget - IFIS Actuals = Carry Forward Balance to OFC). In the GL, balances are at the Fin UnitFundProject, and Fund Balance (account 300000) if mapping from Index to Project exists. If no mapping from Index to Project exists, balances are at the Fin UnitFund, and Fund Balance (account 300000). Carry forward balances in account 300000 are updated at year end. For Sponsored Projects starting balance information, reference KB0032217: How to View Award Budget, Costs and Balances within Oracle PPM

Essential Information

Next Steps

Follow these steps to view General Projects carry forward balances in PPM

  1. Log into Oracle Financials Cloud
  2. Navigate to Projects and Awards > Costs >
  3. In the Tasks pane on the right, in Review and Adjust, select Manage Project Costs.
  4. In the Project Number search field, enter project number, click search icon.
  5. In Search and Select dialog box, enter Project Name, select Search.
  6. Select Project, click OK
  7. In Search Results, enable the filter fields by selecting View > Query By Example, in the search field above Expenditure Type, enter 774009. 
  8. All carry forward balance transactions will have the Expenditure Type 774009 - Fund Balance Transfer (Debit/Credit).
  9. Starting balances are displayed in the Burdened Cost column with surplus balances from last fiscal year displayed as a credit balance (for example -$100,000 USD indicates a carryover amount of $100K).
  10. To export results into Excel, click on the Export to Excel button next to the Format Menu.

Video Summary

Supplemental Guides


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