This guide demonstrates how to view Project Expenditure, Organization, Expenditure, and Task (POET) information applicable to general project costs.
1. On the Oracle Home page, Select Projects, then Costs.
2. On the right-hand side of the page, select the tasks icon.
3. In Review and Adjust, select Manage Project Costs.
4. On the Search page, enter the Project Number or Project Name, and click Search.
NOTE: If you don't know your Project Name, select Advanced Search.
5. To adjust the columns to include the fields in POET, in Search Results, select View > Columns.
6. If all columns are selected, unselect Show All.
7. Add a checkmark to the following columns (POET fields): Project Number, Project Name, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Type, Task Number and Task Name.
8. Your results will be based on the included columns.
9. Select the Export to Excel icon to extract data from Oracle.