This article demonstrates how to book travel using Concur Travel.
Essential Information
- Confirm that all travel bookings are following policy.
- Concur Travel, the Travel module in Concur, is UC San Diego's direct booking tool for University travel.
- Employees have access to UC-negotiated rates within this single platform.
- Concur requires a completed Profile in order for you to make travel arrangements; scroll through each Concur Profile section to ensure completion before proceeding with the following steps to book travel.
- When booking airfare, we recommend making your seat selection directly on the airline's website or mobile app.
- After your ticket has been confirmed, take the Airline Record Locator (PNR) from the Balboa invoice to the airline website and select your seat there.
- Note that seat selection is based on availability.
- A Travel Request must be completed and approved prior to booking travel, see KB0032013: How to Create a Travel Request.
- All employee travelers seeking to book trains, car rentals, or non-local hotels in Concur Travel should have a Travel & Entertainment Card.
- For booking Guest (Non-UCSD Employee) travel via Concur travel, please reference the second section below.
- If booking for another employee, ensure that you have been added as their Travel Assistant and Delegate:
- When booking travel arrangements for a group, please contact Balboa Travel directly (provide them with your Request ID) and they can assist with the group's accommodations.
Next Steps

Video: How to Book Travel in Concur Travel (Click above Image)
1. Login to Concur
a. If you are using the Concur Travel module on behalf of another user as a Delegate, you must select the option to act as their Delegate before starting this process.
2. Select the Home dropdown and then click on Travel.

3. Select type of trip search (airfare, car rental, hotel, train)

4. Enter Search Criteria
5. Select Search

6. In Welcome to Concur dialog box, enter Request ID:
a. See KB0032739: How to locate Concur Report Key, Report ID, and Request ID to find the Request ID.
b. Concur Travel can also be used for personal travel - in such a case, a Request ID isn’t necessary.

7. Check the information/alerts to ensure purchase is within policy.

8. Click Select for desired booking

9. Ensure UCSD CTS Air Charge Card (for airfare), Local Hotel Card (for local hotels), or Travel & Entertainment Card is selected for method of payment.

10. Select Reserve Flight and Continue.

11. Your reservation will be in Concur under Available Expenses by the next day.
This section provides a brief overview of booking guest travel via Concur Travel.
Essential Information
- You will need all of the non-UCSD employee traveler’s personal information so you can get the ticket in their name.
- Information has to match their identification, failure to do so will result in invalid tickets and inability to board flight.
- Alternatively, the traveler may call Balboa Travel to book, in this case provide them with the Concur Request ID.
- Reservation will be placed under the employee’s Available Expenses in Concur, who will be creating the Request and Expense Report.
- For the rest of the Guest Travel process in Concur, see KB0032015: How to Process Non-Employee (Guest) Travel in Concur.
Next Steps
Booking Guest Travel via Concur Travel:
1. The steps for booking travel for a guest are similar to booking travel for an employee, with two variations:
2. Select Booking for a guest when entering search criteria.

2. After selecting a reservation, the system will ask you to enter the Guest Traveler’s information.
3. Confirm this information is correct before reserving the flight for the Guest Traveler.