This article provides instructions on how an individual can be authorized to purchase ethanol alcohol from STORE.
Essential Information
- Only Authorized Ethanol Alcohol Custodians may purchase ethanol from STORE.
- Ethanol Alcohol Custodians should be at least 21 years of age or older, and the use of ethanol in a laboratory by a minor should be supervised by someone at least 21 years of age or older.
- The individual who submits the requisition for alcohol must be an Authorized Alcohol Custodian.
To complete the this KBA, you will need a letter with your department's letterhead that includes:
- The signature of the department chair.
- The name and email of the person(s) to be authorized as Ethanol Alcohol Custodian(s)
Please view a sample of this letter on our Blink page here: STORE Blink Page - Ethanol.
Next Steps
1. Log into Services & Support.
2. Select Budget & Finance.

3. Select Get Help.

4. Select Submit a Ticket to Budget and Finance Support.

5. Fill out the form as follows:
- I want to...: Ask a Question or Make a Request
- About: Buying Goods & Services
- Related to...: Tax-free Ethanol
- More Specifically: Ethanol Purchase Authorization
- Subject: Ethanol Purchase Authorization
- Description: Please authorize the individuals listed in the attached letter to purchase ethanol alcohol from STORE.
6. Select Add Attachments at the bottom of the page.

7. Select Choose a file.

7. Choose the completed authorization letter that you'd like to upload.
8. Select Submit.

NOTE: Do not attempt purchasing ethanol from STORE until you have received confirmation that your authorization has been recorded. Otherwise, your PO will be cancelled.