How to Credit a Customer Invoice in the Receivables Module


This article demonstrates how to adjust customer invoices through the Receivables module in Oracle. 

Essential Information

Next Steps

1. Open Oracle Financial Cloud.

2. Use your Single Sign-On credentials.

3. Select Billing and Receivables > Billing

4. Click on the Search icon to the right and enter one required field:

5. Manage Transactions page pulls up, highlight the desired line and click on the Transaction Number (e.g. 5614) link to open the Invoice.

7. Select Actions > View Balance Details to view the actual balance of the invoice and transaction activities.

8. Select Done

9. Select Actions > Credit Transaction

10. Credit Transaction page displays.

11. Enter all required fields and notate Credit Reason along with any further data in the other text boxes.

12. Credit Percentage / Amount entered needs to be a negative amount.

13. Select Save > Complete and Review > Save and Close


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