GRC Module: How to Manage Risk Management Data Security


This article describes how to Manage User Assignment Groups and Business Objects Security in this area. Please note that each group grants only one authorization. Custom roles that grant access to the Risk Management. module in Oracle.

Essential Information

To secure data in Risk Management, you (as an owner) select users who can work with the following types of data records as you create or edit those records, and you set the level of access at which each user can work. These security settings apply to records of:

In addition, you can use a Risk Management Data Security work area to:

Next Steps

1. Select the Risk Management tab.

2. Select Risk Management Data Security icon.

3. Select the User Assignment Groups icon.

4. Select Add

5. Enter Name for the group and select Object and Authorization:

  1. Object will specify the type of data the group will be authorized for.
  2. Authorization can be either Owner, Editor, or Viewer.

6. Select either Add All Eligible Users or Add to assign members to the group.

7. Select Save and Close.

8. To edit a group, select the Edit button.

9. Click Add button to assign people to the group, or delete members by selecting the Delete button in the member's row.

10. Select Save and Close.

11. To manage security to business objects, select the Business Object Security icon.

12. Select the box for Grant access to all business objects:

  1. This selection will allow the person to be supplied data for transaction models and controls.
  2. This selection is also used for access certifications.


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