How to Budget Core Recurring Funds on Form 4.2


In the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Tool (EPBCS), budget preparers utilize Task List 4 to budget non-compensation expenses against available core recurring budget resources. Form 4.2 displays a view only resources section in the upper portion of the form also referred to as the “Core Recurring Resource Budget Model”. To plan the Core Recurring Budget, updates are made on Form 4.2, Review and Realign Core Recurring Budget in the bottom portion of the form (white cells). Form 4.2 is populated with two years' worth of historical budget data for reference, providing a comprehensive view of the Core Recurring Budget. Additionally, form 4.2 displays columns with referential information including the Core Resource Roll, Compensation Inflation, Budget Adjustment Detail, and Staff & Faculty compensation budget data completed in Task Lists 1, 2, and 3.

Essential Information

Steps To Take

Navigate to Task List 4 to Enter Core Recurring Non-Compensation Budgets

1. From the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Tool home page, click on Tasks.

2. Navigate to Task List 4 Review and Manage Core Fund Budgets


*Note: Best practice recommended to open Task 4.1 and export the data to an excel spreadsheet for quick reference. Refer to KB0035510 for information on Task 4.1


3. In Form 4.2 Review and Realign Core Recurring Budget, update the Point of View (POV), for the desired budget, by selecting the EFinUnit, Fund, and Function.

4. Once selections have been updated and highlighted in yellow, click the Arrow icon, to save and continue, otherwise your selections will not be saved.


Review Total Internal Resources Available for Budgeting in the Total Plan Column

1. On form 4.2, locate the total Projects --> Total Internal Resources line in the upper section of the form

2. Note: Total Internal Resources are only displayed at each Financial Unit, Fund, Function, PJ000000 by Account code. Resources could display at all or some of the following account codes:

774760: Recurring Non Compensation Xfr

774961: Recurring Staff Salaries Xfr

774962: Recurring Staff Benefits Xfr

774963: Recurring Faculty Salaries Xfr

774964: Recurring Faculty Benefits Xfr


*Note: Resources displayed within the above account codes were determined from the final prior year budget plan or off-cycle entries in the Budget Adjustment Module using Task 3. 


Entering budget figures on Projects and Account codes already displayed on Form 4.2 

1. In the Direct Input column where white cells are displayed, enter budget figures on any Account number that is available, cells display yellow as you make changes.

2. Click Save and the cells will display white indicating that the entries have been successfully updated, a confirmation message displays indicating the data was saved, click OK to close the message.

3. Once budget entries are complete, ensure Total Expenses are within Total Internal Resources


Adding an account code and/or Project not already displayed on Form 4.2 

1. In Form 4.2 Review and Realign Core Recurring Budget, locate the Project that you wish to budget on. In the Direct Input column, right-click on any cell and select Add Core Account from the Action menu.

2. FS_AddCoreAccount dialog box displays populated with information for the FinUnit, Function, Fund, Project and Recurring Budget Type. If all are correct, these selections should be left as-is, except for Account or Project. If needed, clear any account code or Project that is displayed so that the box is empty. Next to Select Account/Select Individual Project. click the Member Selector icon. 

3. The Select Members dialog box will display. This same process applies when selecting a new Project for the form.

a. Account numbers can be searched for in the Search Account box or use the arrows to drill through the account hierarchy to locate the Expense Account code that needs to be added.


4. Once the Account is located, use the blue checkmark to make the selection and press OK.


5. You will return to the FS_AddCoreAccount dialog box and the selected Account is now added in the Select Account box, click Launch.

6. You will return to Form 4.2, a confirmation displays, the Add Core Account function was successful, click OK to close the message. 

7. The added Account code and/or Project is now displayed and a white cell is available to enter a budget figure, after making entries, click Save.


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.