FAQ: Recommended Training Resources on OFC and Concur


This article provides valuable information for the University community regarding training resources for Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC) and Concur. It aims to address common questions and concerns related to the available training materials, helping users navigate and make the most of these platforms effectively. 


Q: What training resources are available to new employees at our campus?

A: All employees and affiliates that work in Oracle Financials Cloud and Concur can find training resources in Blink>Finance Budget & Finance Support >Training & Events>Training Courses.

Q: Are any training courses required to be completed in order to access OFC or Concur?

A: Not at this time, but it is recommended that the training resources are available and should be used to gain familiarity with those applications. Training requirements are expected in the future.

Q: I'm not sure what training I should take, what courses do you recommend that I take?

A: Depending on your level of experience or type of course you are searching for, use this information as a guide: 


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