This article covers how to reclass a Commitment within the Resource Commitment Tracking Tool (RCTT) in EPBCS. The following steps are for users of the EPBCS web application.
Essential Information
- Please note: KB0033723, How to Reclass a Resource Commitment in EPBCS Web Application using Smart View is a separate article.
- Reclass functionality in the RCTT allows you to correct an element of the Commitment record after resources have already been transferred.
- You can reclass either the Source, the Destination, or the Budget Type of a resource Commitment.
- All Reclass types involve creating a Reclass Commit record, which serves as the new Source record, even if the Source has not changed.
- Reclass functionality operates using the calendar month, not the current ledger period - waiting until the final week of a ledger period (after the 1st of a month) can cause delays in processing reclass records.
Next Steps
Navigating to Commitment
- Go to EPBCS
- Login using Single Sign-On.
- On the EPBCS Home Page, click on the Tasks tile.

- Click on the caret to the left of 7 - Create and Manage Commitments to expand the Task List.
- Click on Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified.

- Within the POV, select the appropriate Financial Unit level to display the Base Commit record for the CTID you wish to reclass - you must select the Base Commit record, even if you are reclassing the Destination.
- Right-click on the desired CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Reclass Commitment.

- Depending on which element you wish to reclass; Source, Destination, or Budget Type, follow steps in relevant section below.
Reclass Source
- Within the Reclass Commitment prompt window, enter the new Source values within the NEW fields - you can either directly input the value or use the member selector to the right of the field.

- Click the Launch button within the prompt window - you should receive a message that the rule ran successfully - if you receive an error message, make sure your new Source element(s) include a valid NEW Financial Unit / NEW Project intersection.

- Locate the new Re-Class Commitments record under the CTID you just reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include your new Reclass record.

- Right-click on the reclassed CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.

- From the Details 1 Year Horizon view, select the Save button to calculate the Reclass record.

NOTE: After calculation, the Reclass record should display:
- CT Approved Budget Amount in the month in which the original transfer(s) occurred, but no values in CT Amount/CT Total Amount/CT Amount Debit/CT Amount Credit.
- CT Amount/CT Total Amount/CT Amount Debit/CT Amount Credit in the month in which the record was re-classed.
- Navigate back to Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified.
- Locate the Base Commit record under the CTID you reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include the Base Commit record.
- Right-click on the Base CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.
- From the Details 1 Year Horizon view, select the Save button to calculate the record.
- Navigate back to Task 7.4 Review Commitments Journal Extract.
- Verify that your Credits and Debits are appearing appropriately on the Journal Extract.
NOTE: Only credits and debits for the current ledger period will display on 7.4
Reclass Destination
- Within the Reclass Commitment prompt window, do not change any values - simply click the Launch button to run the action and create the new Reclass Commit record.
- Locate the new Re-Class Commitments record under the CTID you just reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include your new Reclass record.
- Right-click on the reclassed CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.
- Within the CT Destination drop-downs, select the new Destination values (e.g., CT Destination Financial Unit, CT Destination Project, CT Destination Fund, CT Destination Function, CT Destination Task).
- Once all information is entered, select Save to submit all of your data entry to the database.
- Right-click on any blue cells within Column A (i.e., CT Commitment Status) to activate the Action Menu, then select Approve and Push Commitment - this creates a 2nd Transfer In Commitment record tied to the new Destination, and ensures the new Destination is credited what has been transferred to date.

- Navigate back to Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified.
- Locate the Base Commit record under the CTID you reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include the Base Commit record.
- Right-click on the Base CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select Details 1 Year Horizon to generate Task 7.3 Commitment Details - 1YR on a new sheet.
- From the Details 1 YR Horizon view, select the Save button to calculate the record.
- Right-click on any blue cells within Column A (i.e., CT Commitment Status) to activate the Action Menu, then select Approve and Push Commitment - this ensures the old destination is debited what has been transferred to date.
- Navigate back to Task 7.4 Review Commitments Journal Extract.
- Verify that your Credits and Debits are appearing appropriately on the Journal Extract.
Reclass Budget Type
- Within the Reclass Commitment prompt window, enter the new Budget Type within the NEW Budget Type field - you can either directly input the value or use the member selector to the right of the field.

- Click the Launch button within the prompt window - you should receive a message that the rule ran successfully - if you receive an error message, make sure your new Source element(s) include a valid NEW Financial Unit / NEW Project intersection.
- Locate the new Re-Class Commitments record under the CTID you just reclassed - you may need to adjust the Financial Unit selection in the POV to include your new Reclass record.

- Right-click on the reclassed CTID to activate the Action Menu, then select a Details Time Horizon view - your selection will depend on the term of your Reclassed Commitment.
- Within the Details Time Horizon view, make necessary updates, for example:
- CT Expenditure Type may need to be changed from a Recurring Account Code to a One-Time Account Code.
- CT End Date may need to be extended, i.e., changed from Recurring to One-Time MultiYr.
- Additional fiscal year data may need to be entered, i.e., changed from Recurring to One-Time MultiYr.
- Select the Save button to submit all of your data entry to the database.
- Right-click on any blue cells within Column A (i.e., CT Commitment Status) to activate the Action Menu, then select Approve and Push Commitment to generate a new Transfer In record.

- Return to Task 7.2A Enter Basic Commitment Data - Simplified and locate the original Base Commit record for the reclassed CTID, and navigate to the Details 1 Year Horizon view for that record.
- Within the Details 1 Year Horizon view, run the Approve and Push Commitment action - this ensures the old destination is debited what has been transferred to date.
- Open a new sheet and navigate to Task 7.4 Review Commitments Journal Extract.
- Verify that your Credits and Debits are appearing appropriately on the Journal Extract.