How to Enter One-Time Outlays in EPBCS Web Application


This article will describe how to enter one-time outlays via Task 8.2. This is one of the capital planning expenditure details that can be entered via the Capital Planning Tool.

Essential Information

Next Steps

Navigating to Task 8.2 One-Time Outlays and Capital Monthly Summary from Home Page

  1. Navigate to the EPBCS environment and access the Capital Planning Tool.
  2. On the EPBCS Home Page, click on the Tasks tile.
  3. Click on the caret to the left of 8 - Review and Manage Capital Planning to expand the Task List.
  4. Click on Task 8.2 One-Time Outlays and Capital Monthly Summary to open the form.

- OR -

Navigating to Task 8.2 One-Time Outlays and Capital Monthly Summary from Task 8.1 Enter Capital Debt Service

  1. From Task 8.1 Enter Capital Debt Service, click the Next button in the top-right corner to bring up Task 8.2 One-Time Outlays and Capital Monthly Summary.

Entering One-Time Outlays

  1. With Task 8.2 One-Time Outlays and Capital Monthly Summary open, the user will see all Project Reference lines associated with the intersections specified in the POV. Ensure the POV selections are correct.
  2. Each Project Reference line will have two sections, a section for One-Time Outlays (boxed in green), and a section for Debt Service (boxed in blue):

  3. To add a new one-time outlay, right-click on the blank square to the left of the budget planning Fiscal Year to initiate the Action Menu, then select Add Project Reference.

  4. A pop-up menu titled CX_AddProjectReference_Outlays will appear.

  5. All Dimension fields, except for Project Reference, will pre-populate from the POV selections within Task 8.1. Ensure the pre-populated Dimensions contain the desired selections.
  6. Enter the Project Reference if known, or click on the tree-structure icon to launch the Select a Member window.


    • Project Reference is used to indicate the capital project being funded or the asset/loan for which debt is already being repaid.
    • For projects being planned or under construction (Active-Debt Pending and One-Time Outlay) Project Reference is pulled from the PPM Capital Project Hierarchy. These records start with ‘PR_
    • For projects or debt already in repayment (Active-Debt Sold) Project Reference is pulled from the Debt File uploaded by the Campus Treasury Office. These records start with ‘SP_

  7. Locate and select the desired Project, and verify a blue checkmark displays to the left of your selected Project, then click OK.
  8. After clicking OK, the user will return to the CX_AddProjectReference_Outlays pop-up menu. From here, verify the Project you selected in Step 6 is correct, then click Launch in the upper right-hand corner to populate form 8.2 with a new Capital Asset Detail row.

  9. An Information message will display indicating that the rule was run successfully, click OK to return to Task 8.2.

  10. Task 8.2 is now populated with a new Capital Asset Detail row using the information and Dimensions that were specified in Steps 3-9.

  11. Enter details as required and click Save located in the top-right corner of the form.
  12. Verify all data entered is correct.
  13. Click Next in the top-right corner to render Task 8.3 Review Capital Details by Financial Unit.

Please refer to KBA0033770How to Review Capital Details in EPBCS Web Application for detailed instructions on next steps.


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