How to Request a New Salary Cap Rate


This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to request a new salary cap rate when a sponsoring agency mandates a salary cap that is not currently available or configured in UCPath.

Essential Information

Next Steps 

  1. Go to Services & Support
    1. Select Budget & Finance > Get Help
    2. Enter your Active Directory (AD) credentials.
    3. Select Submit a Ticket to Budget and Finance Support.
    4. Under More Specifically, enter Post Award General Inquiry.
    5. Attach backup documentation showing the sponsor's cap requirement.
  2. SPF will review and determine if requesting the cap from UCOP is appropriate.
    1. Requesting a sponsor salary cap for UCPath:
      • If your campus identifies a sponsor salary cap, please report the cap with back-up documentation to
      • Once a sponsor salary cap is received, Costing Policy & Analysis will evaluate the request, seek input from Contract & Grant and Extramural Funds leadership, request the salary cap change in UCPath, and report the change in UCPath to the Contract & Grant Leadership and Extramural Funds Managers listservs.
  3. Once the cap code is available in UCPath, SPF will request a new capped Fund from ICA specifically for that code. Reference, KB0032196: How to Request New Chart of Account (CoA) Segments.
  4. After the new Fund has been created, SPF will inform the UCPath integration team that the I-101 A2 interface file will need to have the attributes sent to UCPath for that new fund.
    Steps for SPF:
    1. Go here
    2. Select Get Help & Order Services.
    3. Select Submit a Ticket to IT Services.
    4. Under I want to: select Make a request.
    5. Under Description: Include the Fund code and specify Federal, State, Sponsored, GAEL redirect attributes (as appropriate) plus Cap code.
    6. Under What service does this relate to? Select PADUA
  5. After the new Fund & attributes have been sent to UCPath, SPF will inform the SPF/OFC/UCPath OCM teams to update their respective training materials and KBA’s to include the new Fund and inform Campus that the new Fund is available for use.
  6. Update the Project set-up in PPM by working with ITS for automatic chart string creation for the projects affected with the new UCPath Cap Fund.
  7. Submit a request to the FIS Config Team to add the new UCPath Cap Fund to the Cross Validation Rules (CVR) in OFC.
  8. Submit an enhancement request to the BI Team for:
    1. Transactions Incorrectly Posted to UCPath Specific Funds (CVR).
    2. Chart of Accounts report (same logic provided in Step 6).
  9. SPF will submit a request to update PADUA so that General Projects are not created on the new capped fund.
  10. The department will update the position funding entry with the new chartstring. Reference: How to Update Position Funding with the Salary Cap/MCOP Worksheet.


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.