How to Receive an Incoming Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF)


An Incoming Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF) is a transfer of resources or funding from another UC Campus or UCOP to UCSD. This article walks you through how to submit an Incoming ITF. 

Essential Information

Next Steps 

1. Provide your UCSD COA Credit line 

The format of the your UCSD COA is the following:

  1. Entity Level C will always be 1611 for UCSD
  2. Fund Level D: UCSD must receive the funding on an equivalent Fund that is being sent from the other UC Campus.
  1. UCOP is requiring all Campus' to transition off of the following method using Fund Group Code (FGC), therefore you will need to determine if the Campus sending the Funds is using FGC or Fund Level C
  3. Steps for Campus' that still use Fund Group Code (FGC)
    1. UCOP's Fund Group Code (FGC) is a common assignment used by all UC Campus's assigned to Funds.
    2. Request from the UC Campus sending the resources for the FGC for the Funds being sent.
    3. Use the following  UCSD to UCOP FGC Fund Crosswalk for ITFs to determine the appropriate UCSD Level D Fund Hierarchy.
      • Using the UCOP FGC provided by the sending Campus, filter for the FGC in column D
      • Based on the results, select the appropriate UCSD Fund from column A 
      • Use the associated result in column C (Level D Fund Hierarchy) for the Fund

    1. Need additional assistance: 
    2. If your FGC is not available in the above steps or does not seem appropriate, Submit a Ticket to Internal Controls & Accounting (ICA) for review
      1. About: Financial Accounting
      2. Related to: General Accounting Support
      3. More Specifically: Interlocation Transfer of Funds Submissions/Inquiries
      4. Provide the sending Campus FGC, fund information and any additional supporting documentation regarding the ITF
  1. Steps for Campus' and UCOP using new Fund Level C
    1. Use the following  UCSD to UCOP Fund Level C Crosswalk for ITFs to determine the appropriate UCSD Fund Level D.
      • Using the shared Fund Level C provided by the sending Campus, filter for the Fund in column F.
      • Based on the results, select the appropriate UCSD Fund from column A.
      • Use the associated result in column E: UCSD Fund Level D for the Fund.
  1. 3. Credit Account Level E 
    1. Select the Account from the chart below based on the Campus that will be sending UCSD Funds.
      2. Credit Account Level EAccount Title
        78501EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCB
        78502EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCSF
        78503EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCD
        78504EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCLA
        78505EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCR
        78507EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCSC
        78508EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCSB
        78509EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCI
        78510EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCM
        78511EIntercampus Recharge Credit UCOP
        78512EIntercampus Recharge Credit ANR

2. Provide your UCSD COA Debit Line (Revenue Account)

The format of the your UCSD COA is the following:

  1. Entity Level C will always be 1611 for UCSD
  2. Fund - This is the same as step 1.2 above
  3. Debit Account Level E: Select the account from the chart below based on the UCSD Fund being used.
UCSD FundDebit Account Level ELevel E Account Title

19900 -19999
Excluding 19931, 19933, 19934, 19940, 19941, 19942, 19943

48100EState Appropriations General
18XXX40600ESpecial State Appropriations
All Other Funds44000EOther Operating Revenue


Submit a Ticket to ICA for review or if you still have questions or need additional assistance

    1. About: Financial Accounting
    2. Related to: General Accounting Support
    3. More Specifically: Interlocation Transfer of Funds Submissions/Inquiries


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.