How to Submit for an Outgoing Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF)


This article explains how to submit for an outgoing Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF). An Outgoing Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF) is when UCSD sends resources or funding to another UC Campus or to UCOP. 

Essential Information

Next Steps

Download and complete the Excel ITF form to submit to Internal Controls & Accounting (ICA) by following the instructions below:

1. Complete row 3

  1. Subject Line: Brief Description (max 200 characters)
  2. Explanation: (max 500 characters)
    • Provide key segments in COA
      • Example COA:
        • 16110-13991-1000161-0-400-0-0-2012489-0-0-0-0
        • The 0 is being understood as the segment having zeros for all the numbers in the segment length.
    • Optional: Provide any additional information regarding the transfer that may be helpful, such as contact information.
      • Examples for additional information:
        • Mark Jones at UCI is helping with the transfer
        • Funding for UCLA employee's salary and benefits (Jane Johnson) from 3/1/2022 - 2/28/2023.
  3. Comments: Must leave blank

2. Complete the first two rows (row 5 will be a Debit and row 6 will be a Credit) on the ITF form with UCSD information

  1. Entity Level C will always be 1611 for UCSD.
  2. UCSD Account Level E
Account Level E (Debit) Account Title
78001EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCB
78002EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCSF
78003EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCD
78004EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCLA
78005EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCR
78007EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCSC
78008EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCSB
78009EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCI
78010EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCM
78011EIntercampus Recharge Debit UCOP
78012EIntercampus Recharge Debit ANR












UCSD FundAccount Level E (Credit)Account Title


Excluding 19931,19933,19934,


48100EState Appropriations General 
 18XXX40600ESpecial State Appropriations
All Other Funds44000EOther Operating Revenue

              3. UCSD Account Level D:

    •  For cell C5 and C6, replace the 'E' from cells B5 and B6, respectively to 'D'

   4. Fund Level D: UCSD must receive the funding on an equivalent Fund that is being sent from the other UC Campus. 

Steps for Campus' that still use Fund Group Code (FGC)

    1. Filter for the appropriate UCSD Fund (column A) and use the UCSD Level D Fund Hierarchy (column C) as your results to enter in column D (cells D5 and D6) of the ITF form.
    2. Provide the receiving UC Campus the associated UCOP Fund Group Code (FGC) number (column D) from the Crosswalk for ITFs file that is applicable for the UCSD Fund to help complete rows 7 and 8.
    3. If sending from a UCSD Core Funds 13991 or 13992, the other campus can use an equivalent fund from a SOFI Fund List.  Contact ICA via a ticket for additional information and crosswalk.

Steps for UCOP and Campus' using Fund Level C

    1. Filter for the appropriate UCSD Fund (column A) and use the UCSD Fund Level D (column E) as your results to enter in column D (cells D5 and D6) of the ITF form.
    2. Provide the receiving UC Campus the associated Fund Level C (column F) from the cross walk that is applicable for the UCSD Fund to help complete rows 7 and 8.
    3. If sending from a UCSD Core Funds 13991 or 13992, the other campus can use an equivalent fund from a SOFI Fund List, review tab SOFI Funds and contact ICA via a ticket for additional information.
  1. 5. Fund Level C: (This is our Fund posting level, this is not Level C in Fund hierarchy).
    • a. Enter UCSD posting level of the Fund - Example: 13034 or 19900.
  1. 6. Function Code:  Derived from COA provided by campus departments. Enter Function code in 2-digit format.
    1. a. Example: if Function code = '440', then enter '44'.
    2. b. Enter Function code '00' for Revenue accounts (4xxxxx)
  1. 7. Department
    • a. Enter the Financial Unit number (not name)
  3. 8. Project: Optional field
    1. a. Enter a Project number if applicable, otherwise column H can be left blank.
  5. 9. Progam: Optional Field
    1. a. Enter a Program number if applicable, otherwise column I can be left blank.
  1. 10. GL Transfer From (DR.): In J5 enter the dollar amount (Debit) of the transfer with no sign.
  3. 11. GL Transfer From (CR.): In K6 enter the dollar amount (Credit) of the transfer with no sign.
  5. 12. Columns L and M: Leave blank
  7. 13. Description: This cell is at your discretion and will be reflected in the Journal Line Description (max 30 characters).
    1. Suggestion is to indicate the Campus Entity and Account Level E the Funds are coming from and going to.
    2. Example format would be: Entity-Account.
  9. 14. Campus Comments: (max 60 characters)
    1. a. Cell O5 - Enter Department pepared by (name and email).
    2. b. Cell O6 - ICA will enter Department approved by information.
  11. 15.  Columns P and Q (Flex 1 and Flex 2): Leave blank

3. Request COA information from UCOP or the UC Campus that will be receiving the funding

  1. The receiving campus will need to provide COA in the format of Entity-Fund-Financial Unit-Account-Function-Program-Location-Project-Activity for rows 7 and 8.
  2. Enter the other UC Campus Debit COA in row 7 (also referred to as the Offsetting Revenue). 
  3. Enter the other UC Campus Credit COA in row 8 (also referred to as the Intercampus Transfer line).
  4. In cells O7 and O8 enter the other Campus' contact information (name and email).

4. Submit completed form to ICA

Submit a Ticket to ICA for review or if you still have questions or need additional assistance.

    1. About: Financial Accounting
    2. Related to: General Accounting Support
    3. More Specifically: Interlocation Transfer of Funds Submissions/Inquiries


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.