UCPath Chartstring Validations Errors in OFC Troubleshooting Guide


This article serves as a guide to address chartstring combination code validation errors encountered while entering funding transactions in UCPath. It provides users with step-by-step instructions and insights to troubleshoot and resolve issues, ensuring a smoother process for entering funding transactions without encountering validation errors.

Next Steps

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "Project not allowed on MED Center, Population Health Or Physician Group Entity":

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "Expenditure item date isn’t within the {date range}":

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "Invalid Combo Code":

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "The expenditure failed project-level transaction controls.":

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "The expenditure item date is outside the project dates. Update the project start and finish dates or the expenditure item date of the transaction.":

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "Can’t charge to the Project because the Project Status doesn't allow you to create transactions.":

If you receive the Combination Code Validation Error Message, "Can't charge to the {TASK_NUMBER} task because it's defined as a nonchargeable task":

If you receive any of the Cross Validation Rule (CVR) error messages below (where no POETAF is involved):


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.