This article describes how to run the PID Research Dashboard in the Oracle Planning and Budgeting tool (EPBCS).
Essential Information
- The PID Research Dashboard allows department budget preparers to locate the chart strings that a Position ID (PID) shows up under within an Actuals snapshot or Budget data.
- The PID Research Dashboard will display all Financial Unit, Fund, Function, Project (F-F-F-P) combinations and Employee details (Last Name, First Name, Employee ID) that a particular PID is associated with.
- The PID Research Dashboard also displays assumptions for Budgeted FTE % and Actual Pay Distribution % for an employee.
- The PID Research Dashboard features two views within the dashboard: one table for Staff positions and a second table for Faculty positions.
- When changing any POV selections within the dashboard, the user must click the Arrow icon to update the dashboard.
Next Steps
Start from the Home Page within the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Tool
- Select the Dashboards tile.

- Under the Library folder, navigate to the bottom of the list to locate the PID Research Dashboard, then click the hyperlink to load the form.

- In the PID Research Dashboard, update the Point of View (POV) by selecting the Scenario, Version, Years, and Position:

- To locate a chart string within the prior year Actuals snapshot:
- Set Scenario = Actuals
- Set Version = Final
- Set Years = prior year
- Set Position = desired Position ID
- Updated POV selections will render the chart strings that the PID came through in the latest Actuals snapshot.

- To locate a chart string within the planning year Budget data:
- Set Scenario = Base Budget
- Set Version = Working
- Set Years = planning year
- Set Position = desired Position ID
- Updated POV selections will render the chart strings that the PID was seeded against in the budget or against any new budget entries that were added.

- Once POV selections have been updated and highlighted in yellow, click the Arrow icon to save and continue, otherwise your selections will not be saved.
- The PID Research Dashboard displays with the following:
- One table for Staff positions and a second table for Faculty positions
- Employee details and Financial Unit, Fund, Function, Project (F-F-F-P) combinations by PID
- 1 column displays assumptions for Budgeted FTE %
- 1 column displays assumptions for Actual Pay Distribution %