How to Request Digital Gift Cards for Employees and Non-Employees in Concur


Instructions on how to request digital gift cards for employee and non-employee gifts and awards in Concur.

Essential Information

Steps to Take

How to request digital gift cards in Concur

  1. Open Concur and login using your Single Sign On.
  2.  Select Create.
  3.  Select the Start a Request.
  4.  In the Request Header, in Request Type, select Gift Cards & Human subject Payments.
  5. Complete all required information pertaining to the card request:
    1. Request Name
    2.  Request Date
    3.  Detailed Business Purpose
      1. Make this as detailed as possible.  
      2. If purpose is not detailed enough, request will be sent back. For example, if you are recognizing an employee for something they did, be specific in what they accomplished. 
    4. Financial Unit: Select the unit you would like to use for this.
      1. If you have questions on what to enter in Fund, Financial Unit or Function, speak with your Fund Manager.
    5.  Select Create Request on the bottom right.
  6.  Add Expense.
    1. Under Expected Expenses select Add.
    2.  Under 23. Gifts, Prizes, Awards select either:
      1. 536200 - Gifts/Awards For Employees (Digital) or 536300 - Gifts/Awards For Non-Employee (Digital).
    3. For type of gift card, select the appropriate option. 
    4. Enter the amount per card and number of cards needed. 
    5. Add Attendees by selecting Attendees (0).
    6. Select Add.
    7. Search for the attendee by selecting the type and search by their name to add.
    8. Select search, check the box next to their name and then select Add.
    9.  Repeat steps until all attendees are added. Once complete, click Save.
    10. Select Save again to save the Expense.
  7. Repeat these steps if needing cards in other denominations as well for other recipients.
  8. Allocate your expenses.
    1. Check the box next to your expense and select Allocate.
    2. Select Add.
    3. Add your chart string and your Financial Unit Approver, then select Save.
    4.  Select Save again if you are done allocating.

      NOTE: If a project and task is not used, a fund and function is necessary. If this is not provided, you will see a red exclamation mark icon like the one shown below.
    5. Select Save.
  9. Attach CSV file.
    1. Download the CSV file.
      1. Select CTRL and click where it it says CSV file to download. 
    2. Delete the example Jane Doe Field found on line 2.
    3. Fill in fields for each card:
      1. Recipient Name
      2. Dollar amount of card
      3. Deliver at 
        1. Date you would like the digital gift card to be sent on.
        2. Gift cards are sent at 9am PST. If the day Payment Services enters your order into our gift card partner's portal is after the date entered, the card will be sent same day. 
      4. Recipient's email.
        1. Confirm recipient has access to this email address. Be sure to copy and paste. 
      5. Repeat for any additional cards.
        1. You can up to 5,000 lines at once. Each line is it's own gift card to be sent to a recipient.
      6. Save the file as a PDF and name it the "Concur request ID CSV." Please be sure to follow the steps below to save the file correctly.
        1. Select File.
        2. Select Save as Adobe PDF.
        3. Select Convert to PDF.
        4. Select Save.

          1. The Concur Request ID is the four digit ID for your order. This can be found in your request under the request name.

    4. Attach the file to your Concur request by selecting Attachments and then Attach Documents.

      1. Be sure the total of the CSV file matches the total of your request or it will be sent back. 
        1. To do so, check the total of all of your Expenses in Concur.

        2. Highlight the amount column and check the sum to see if it matches your expenses.

  10.  Select Submit Request.

Additional Information