Instructions for Submitting the OnBase Access Request Form


When a new user needs to be added to the OnBase platform, department admins should complete the OnBase Access Request form located within ServiceNow. Submission of this form should only be completed by designated department administrators within OnBase and is not designed for use by non-department admins. Users who are not department admins will not be able to select groups and submit the form. The Access Request form is not to be shared with users who need to be added to OnBase.


Steps to take:

  1. First navigate to within ServiceNow. You can also find the form by navigating to and searching for “OnBase Access Request Form” on the main page as shown below.

  2. Once you have retrieved the form, you will see that your name will be pre-filled in the “Submitted By” field. This is loaded from your Active Directory Login. Your first step is to complete the “Who is this request for?” question. Begin typing the name of the user you wish to add to OnBase. A list of users will populate beneath the field. Be sure to select the correct user and verify it is the correct user by checking their email address. After selecting the user, their email will auto-fill in the next field.

  3. Next, you will select your department from the drop-down menu in “Which department are you requesting access for?” In the example below, I selected BFS_SFS.

    Your department might have different options presented than other departments. For example, HS_BC does not need to complete Step #5 below. So the screenshots below may differ slightly from what you see for your department.

  4. Next, you should select the level of functional access this user should have. These are the four levels of access for OnBase - View Only, Standard, Power, and Department Admin.

  5. Next, you will select which document type user groups this user should have access to. You may select more than one user group. For example, in the screenshot below I have added View Only access to the Cashiers document type group and also added Power User with Delete privileges to the SFS document type group.

    If you need a reminder of which document types are under each document type group, you can find them in the document retrieval window (shown below).

  6. The last selection area is any additional user groups that you would like added for this user. Examples for this might be security keywords that you want to add to restrict the user’s access. You may also have scan queues or workflows that need to be added to this user so they are able to access them. The example below shows several security keywords that I am adding to this user for HS_BC.

  7. Lastly, click Submit to submit your request.

Confirmation Emails:

You will receive two emails: The first will confirm submission of the form and inform you it is under review. Our team does not review these submissions before they are approved. This is because the form is designed in a way that only allows Department Admins to submit for departments that they are an admin in. This benefits you in two ways:

  1. You have control over who is added to your department’s documents.
  2. Users are adding to groups within minutes instead of waiting for the OnBase team to respond.

The second email will confirm that the user you selected has been added to the OnBase user groups you selected for them.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please email or visit