Reassign Ownership of Kaltura Media


Kaltura users can reassign ownership of their media to someone else. This could be useful if you're leaving UC San Diego but want your media to still be accessible to someone who's staying. 

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

In Canvas, you can only reassign ownership one entry at a time. In MediaSpace, you can follow the same steps as in Canvas, but there's another way which allows you to do it in bulk. 

Reassign Ownership on the Edit Page (Canvas / MediaSpace)

In CanvasIn MediaSpace
  1. Log into Canvas.
    1. Go to
    2. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Within Canvas, click My Media in the left navigation.
  3. Locate the video whose captions you want to edit, and click the pencil icon in its row.
  1. Log into MediaSpace.
    1. Go to
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Media.
  3. Locate the video in question, click the kebab on its row (three dots), and select Edit
  1. Click the Collaboration tab below the video.
  2. Click the Change media owner button that appears.
  3. In the text field, type the username (email address minus "") of the person you'd like to be the owner of the entry. Once the correct user account appears, click on it and then click Save
Note: if you can't find the user you're looking for, it's likely that they've never logged into MediaSpace or viewed a Kaltura page in Canvas. These actions are necessary in order for their Kaltura account to be created. For MediaSpace users, ask them to visit and log in at least once. For Canvas users, tell them to log into and click My Media in the left navigation.

Reassign Ownership from the main "My Media" Page (MediaSpace only)

While this is an alternative method of reassigning ownership of a Kaltura entry, it's also one way you can reassign ownership to multiple entries at once. 

  1. If you're not already logged into MediaSpace:
    1. Go to
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Media.
  3. Find the entry in question and click the checkbox on its row.
  4. Scroll to the top of the page, click More actions, then Transfer ownership.
  5. In the text field, type the username (email address minus "") of the person you'd like to be the owner of the entry. Once the correct user account appears, click on it and then click Select. (If you want to retain some access to the media, click the box for "Make myself a collaborator." This will make you a co-editor, co-publisher, and co-viewer.)
Note: if you can't find the user you're looking for, it's likely that they've never logged into MediaSpace. They'll need to log in at least once in order for their Kaltura user account to be created.
  1. Click Transfer ownership.

A screenshot of "My Media" in MediaSpace.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at