How to View/Edit Reports in ServiceNow


There are a wide range of reports available for all agents to view. In addition, you can save your own copies of reports with filters and conditions that you frequently use.

Steps to Take

  1. On the left hand navigation pane, scroll down and click on "Reports". When it expands, select "View / Run".

    Screenshot: Side navbar searching the word "report"

  2. You should now see all reports that you have created. If you see the following page, you have not yet created any reports.

    Screenshot: Create Report landing page

  3. On the header bar, "My Reports" should be selected. Select the "All" option to see reports available to all users. Clicking the 'Last Modified' column will sort the reports from newest to oldest. This is a good view to see reports that have recently been edited.

    Screenshot: List of available reports

  4. There are hundreds of reports to choose from. We have created a few reports that you can use to get started. Please type in "Example" and hit return to see the reports shown below. You can also go to the following page for direct links to the reports: Example Reports Available to All Users

    Screenshot: List of example reports

  5. Clicking on the text of one of the reports will bring you to a page that allows you to see and edit the conditions of the report and show you the results of what was configured.
  6. You will see different options in the "Edit Report" view depending on the type of report you are editing. If the report is a List type report:
    • You can edit the columns listed by pressing the Choose Columns button where the 1 is. This will edit the options and order of the columns where the 2 is.
    • Adjust the conditions as needed to show your desired results by expanding the filter icon where the 3 is.
    • Change the title of the report to personalize it for your records by double clicking the title where the 4 is.
    • When you are satisfied with the report and wish to save a copy for future use, click on the down triangle where the 5 is located. You will often not be able to Save reports that you did not create, instead you will have to 'Insert' a duplicate.
      • Clicking “Insert” will allow you save this version of the report under your "My Reports" section, and you will be sent back to the list of all reports.
      • Clicking “Insert and stay” will allow you save this version of the report under your "My Reports" section, and you will remain on this same page.

        An image displaying the actions that can be taken to edit a report
  7. You will see different options in the "Edit Report" view depending on the type of report you are editing. If the report is a Bar type report:
    • You can edit the X axis by pressing the "Group by" button where the 1 is. Common Group bys are Assigned To, Assignment Group, Created, Opened, and Updated. You cannot edit the labels individually, they are assigned by the system.
    • You add additional information to the report by clicking the "Stack by" button where the 2 is. You can either stack the additional breakdowns within the existing columns, or you can break them out into separate columns.
    • Adjust the conditions as needed to show your desired results by expanding the filter icon where the 3 is.
    • Change the title of the report to personalize it for your records by double clicking the title where the 4 is.
    • Moving to the Style tab, where the 6 is, will give you options to change the colour, chart title, or legend options for your report.
    • When you are satisfied with the report and wish to save a copy for future use, click on the down triangle where the 5 is located. You will often not be able to Save reports that you did not create, instead you will have to 'Insert' a duplicate.
      • Clicking “Insert” will allow you save this version of the report under your "My Reports" section, and you will be sent back to the list of all reports
      • Clicking “Insert and stay” will allow you save this version of the report under your "My Reports" section, and you will remain on this same page.

        Screenshot: image showing steps to edit a report

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please use the 'Contact ServiceNow Team' form.