Selecting Service Offerings & Categories for a Ticket

Selecting Service Offerings & Categories for a Ticket

For accurate reporting on the services we offer, selecting a service offering for each case is important.

Service offerings

The service offering is the product or service that we offer to our customers. The service offering field is a type-ahead reference field to offerings in the service portfolio.

When you type in the field, you will see matches against the name of the service offerings, parent service, and first-tier support group.

service off

If you would like to select a service offering via a more conventional list, click the magnifying glass to open the list view:

conventional list


Once you select a service offering, the service it is underneath will populate automatically, and you can select a category:


selecting category

Categories can be changed at the request of the service owner or manager by contacting the ServiceNow team.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket to the ServiceNow department via their contact form