Knowledge Base Table Details


There are many tables that Knowledge Base articles touch. The four main ones you will need for building a report are below. ServiceNow team provides a Knowledge Base Dashboard that should suffice for most users' needs.


Fields on Knowledge Related Tables

The core Knowledge Base article table is 'kb_knowledge'. This has who wrote the article, where it is published, what it is about, and what it contains. The statistics around the article generally come from other tables.

Ratings on articles come from 'kb_feedback'.

Whereas viewing statistics come from 'kb_use'.

If you are interested in knowing if the article gets attached to cases to help close them out, the table you would have to reference is 'm2m_kb_task'. This table is a system generated view of multiple tables.


Notable kb_knowledge fields

Notable kb_feedback fields

Notable kb_use fields


Notable kb_knowledge fields

Display NameLabelElementField TypeReferenceMax LengthReporting Notes
ActiveActiveactiveTrue/False 40True or False - is the KB Article Active. Different than Workflow - which would show where in the publish cycle it is.
Article bodyArticle bodytextTranslated HTML 65000Actual HTML of article.
Article IDArticle IDarticle_idString 32Unique ID of article
Article typeArticle typearticle_typeString 40Will likely always be HTML.
Attachment linkAttachment linkdirectTrue/False 40When you click on the article name, does it download the article or open the article url. Does not indicate if there is an attachment on the article itself, it is about the linking of the article.
AuthorAuthorauthorReferenceUser32Who is the primary writer of this article.
Base VersionBase Versionbase_versionReferenceKnowledge32The main version of the article, not including minor updates.
Can ReadCan Readcan_read_user_criteriaListUser Criteria1024ACLs associated with article. Who can or cannot read the article.
Cannot ReadCannot Readcannot_read_user_criteriaListUser Criteria1024ACLs associated with article. Who can or cannot read the article.
CategoryCategorycategoryString 40This is generally blank.
CategoryCategorykb_categoryReferenceKnowledge Category32This reflect the category of the article itself, is mandatory.
ClassClasssys_class_nameSystem Class Name 80 
Configuration itemConfiguration itemcmdb_ciReferenceConfiguration Item32 
 Createdsys_created_onDate/Time 40When the article was first created.
 Created bysys_created_byString 40Who created the first instance of the article.
DescriptionDescriptiondescriptionString 4000Generally blank.
Disable commentingDisable commentingdisable_commentingTrue/False 40 
Disable suggestingDisable suggestingdisable_suggestingTrue/False 40 
Display attachmentsDisplay attachmentsdisplay_attachmentsTrue/False 40 
Display numberDisplay numberdisplay_numberString 40 
DomainDomainsys_domainDomain ID 32 
Domain PathDomain Pathsys_domain_pathDomain Path 255 
FlaggedFlaggedflaggedTrue/False 40 
ImageImageimageBasic Image 100 
Knowledge baseKnowledge basekb_knowledge_baseReferenceKnowledge Base32The portal / organization under which this article is published.
Knowledge TypeKnowledge Typeu_knowledge_typeString 40Options are FAQ / How To / Known Error / Standard Operating / Solution. Not mandatory, but often selected by author.
LatestLatestlatestTrue/False 40True on articles that are most recent of published versions.
Latest AQILatest AQIlatest_aqiReferenceArticle Checklist Summary32 
MetaMetametaString 4000Tags for analytics
Meta DescriptionMeta Descriptionmeta_descriptionString 1000Tags for analytics
NumberNumbernumberString 40 
Ownership GroupOwnership Groupownership_groupReferenceGroup32Not relevant to our current set-up. Will generally be blank.
PublishedPublishedpublishedDate 40Blank when unpublished. Once published, gets auto-filled.
RatingRatingratingDecimal 15Current average rating, calculated from kb_feedback.
RetiredRetiredretiredDate 40Blank when retired. Once retired, gets auto-filled.
Revised ByRevised Byrevised_byReferenceUser32Who last revised this article.
RolesRolesrolesUser Roles 255ACLs, generally empty
Scheduled publish dateScheduled publish datescheduled_publish_dateDate/Time 40If there is a future date to publish this article, it would be shown here.
Service OfferingService Offeringu_service_offeringReferenceBusiness Service32Mandatory service offering for article.
Short descriptionShort descriptionshort_descriptionString 100Subject line of article.
SourceSource TasksourceReferenceTask32If a task was set up to create this article, it would link here. Not generally relevant to our current usage.
SummarySummarysummaryReferenceKnowledge Summary32 
 Sys IDsys_idSys ID (GUID) 32 
TopicTopictopicString 40One of eight optional topics in a drop down when creating the article.
 Updatedsys_updated_onDate/Time 40 
 Updated bysys_updated_byString 40 
 Updatessys_mod_countInteger 40 
Use countUse countuse_countInteger 40How many times the article has been attached to a task ticket within ServiceNow
Valid toValid tovalid_toDate 40If the article is set to auto-expire, it would have a date here.
VersionVersionversionReferenceKnowledge Version32Unique version number of this article revision.
View countView countsys_view_countInteger 40How many times this item has been viewed in the portal.
WikiWikiwikiWiki 65000 
WorkflowWorkflowworkflow_stateWorkflow 80The current workflow state of this article - from drafts through published through retirement.


Notable kb_feedback fields

Display NameLabelElementField TypeReferenceMax LengthReporting Notes
Article SummaryArticle Summaryarticle_summaryReferenceKnowledge Summary32 
CommentsCommentscommentsString 4000 
 Createdsys_created_onDate/Time 40 
 Created bysys_created_byString 40 
DomainDomainsys_domainDomain ID 32 
Domain PathDomain Pathsys_domain_pathDomain Path 255 
FlaggedFlaggedflaggedTrue/False 40 
Live messageLive messagelive_messageReferenceLive Feed Message32 
Parent CommentParent Commentparent_commentReferenceKnowledge Feedback32 
Parent feedbackParent feedbackparent_feedbackReferenceLive Feed Message32 
QueryQueryqueryString 100 
RatingRatingratingInteger 40 
ReasonReasonreasonString 40 
ResolvedResolvedresolvedTrue/False 40 
Root feedbackRoot feedbackroot_feedbackReferenceLive Feed Message32 
Search IdSearch Idsearch_idReferenceKnowledge Searches32 
Session IdSession Idsession_idString 100 
 Sys IDsys_idSys ID (GUID) 32 
 Updatedsys_updated_onDate/Time 40 
 Updated bysys_updated_byString 40 
 Updatessys_mod_countInteger 40 
UsefulUsefulusefulString 40 
View IDView IDview_idString 40 
Work notesWork noteswork_notesJournal 4000 


Notable kb_use fields

Display NameLabelElementField TypeReferenceMax LengthReporting Notes
Article SummaryArticle Summaryarticle_summaryReferenceKnowledge Summary32 
 Createdsys_created_onDate/Time 40 
 Created bysys_created_byString 40 
DomainDomainsys_domainDomain ID 32 
Search IdSearch Idsearch_idReferenceKnowledge Searches32 
Session IdSession Idsession_idString 100 
 Sys IDsys_idSys ID (GUID) 32 
Times viewedTimes viewedtimes_viewedInteger 40 
 Updatedsys_updated_onDate/Time 40 
 Updated bysys_updated_byString 40 
 Updatessys_mod_countInteger 40 
UsedUsedusedTrue/False 40 
ViewedViewedviewedTrue/False 40 


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