If your computer, mobile phone, or other computing device has been stolen ITS can provide assistance by monitoring the UC San Diego wireless networks for your stolen device. Follow the steps below to report the theft and request network monitoring services.
Critical Concepts
- If the stolen device has any sensitive data and UCSD is the custodian of the data, please follow the steps on to report a computer security incident. This includes:
- Personally identifiable information (names and addresses, Social Security Numbers, credit card numbers)
- Device used to work with personnel, financial, medical, or human subject data (even if not stored on device)
- Device used to submit student grades
- Device connects to a campus database
- Machine used as a web or file server
- Multi-user desktop machines
- If the stolen device belongs to the university or your department, contact your IT support group as soon as possible
- If you are unsure who this is or if you are supported by ITS, contact the ITS Service Desk
Steps to Take
1. Report to Police
- Call UCSD Police at (858) 534-4357
- Note: If theft occurred off-campus, call local San Diego police
- Obtain the case number for your report
2. Report to ITS Security
If you would like Security to monitor the wireless network for your stolen device:
- Send an email to security@ucsd.edu with the following information:
- Police Case Number
- First and Last name
- UCSD Username
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Description of device
- Wireless MAC Address (if you have it)
- Security will notify the Police if your stolen device is detected on the wireless campus networks