Split a Kaltura Video into Two Separate Videos


A best practice when it comes to teaching with multimedia is to segment (or "chunk") your material. If you have a video that you want to make into two (or more) separate videos this tutorial will walk you through how to leverage the Kaltura video editor to do so. 

These instructions apply to all UCSD Kaltura users (instructors, students, and staff), and this can be completed in either Canvas or MediaSpace.

Critical Concepts

Things to Keep in Mind


Steps to Take

1. Enter the Video Editor

As mentioned earlier, you can split a video into multiple videos in either Canvas or MediaSpace, so follow the first few steps depending on where you want to perform the action. 

In CanvasIn MediaSpace
  1. Log into Canvas.
    1. Go to https://canvas.ucsd.edu
    2. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Within Canvas, click My Media in the left navigation.
  3. Find the video you want to split up and click the pencil icon in its row.
  1. Log into MediaSpace.
    1. Go to https://mediaspace.ucsd.edu
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Media.
  3. Find the video you want to split up, click the kebab (three dots) on its row, and select Edit
  1. Click Launch Editor in the gray box next to the video player. 

2. Create the First Video

An annotated screenshot of the Kaltura video editor's scrubber.

Within the video editor, you'll want to create a new start and end point and save it as a new video.

  1. Find the new start point: either play the video or click on the timeline to find the spot where you want your first video to start. (If you're using the start of the original video as your starting point, you can ignore step 2b below.)
  2. In the blue box that displays on the timeline, click the icon that looks like a left bracket. (If you hover over it, it will say "Set In.") This will set a new starting point for the video. Anything before that point will be grayed out on the timeline.
  3. Find the new end point: either play the video or click on the timeline to find the spot where you want your first video to end. (If you're using the end of the original video as your end point, you can ignore step 2d below.)
  4. In the blue box that displays on the timeline, click the icon that looks like a right bracket. (If you hover over it, it will say "Set Out.") This will set a new end point for the video. Anything after that point will be grayed out on the timeline.
  5. Click Save a Copy at the top of the video editor window. 

"Save" vs. "Save a Copy"

Be sure to click "save a copy" after making your edits. Doing so will create a new entry, leaving the original intact. If you click "save," you'll overwrite the original video with your edits and the sections you removed will not be recoverable!

  1. Enter a name for your new clip and click Create.
  2. Click OK to confirm that your new clip has been created.

3. Create the Second Video

After creating your first clip, you'll be returned to the editor with your existing edits still visible. 

  1. If you intend to make the start point of your second video what was the end point of your first video, take note of the time code at the end point. (It'll make it a little easier later.)
  2. Ensure that the clip in the timeline is selected. If it does, it will have a yellow box around it and you'll see the "curtains" on either side of the clip.

A screenshot of the Kaltura video editor timeline showing a clip that's been selected.

  1. A screenshot closeup of the timeline zoom slider.Set the new end point by dragging the yellow curtain/tab on the right side of the timeline to the point where you want your second clip to end. You can use the "timeline zoom" slider to zoom in if it's helpful.
  2. Once you've determined the new end point, you'll need to set a new start point. Click and drag the curtain/tab on the left side of the selected clip on the timeline until you find the new start point. (If you want to make your new start point the end point of your previous video, move it to the timecode you noted earlier.)
  3. When you're satisfied with the start and end points of your new clip, click Save a Copy.
  4. Enter a name for your new clip and click Create.
  5. Click OK to confirm that your new clip has been created.
If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at kaltura@ucsd.edu.