Add Your Syllabus to

Overview is a central directory for course resources for all courses at UC San Diego, providing links to a website, Canvas site, Library E-reserveres, and more. 

You can also elect to post your syllabus to the site, as a convenience for current students and a service to future students who may consider taking your course.

Steps to Take

Post your syllabus

If you are the instructor of record for a class, or a designated department coordinator:

  1. From, click Update a Course Listing in the left menu
  2. Log in via SSO, if you are not already logged in
  3. Select the quarter when the course was taught
  4. The Course list will then update with a list of courses you taught that term. Select the course the syllabus is for
  5. After selecting a course, the Syllabus heading will appear, with an upload control. Click Browse to select a PDF file; and then Upload Syllabus to post it to the site.
  6. After a syllabus has uploaded, you can return at any time and click Delete to remove it.