Share OneDrive Files


OneDrive allows you to share files with colleagues as a link or personal invite instead of an email attachment. With a link, you will never have to search your inbox for the correct email - the link is always current. You can set expiration dates for links shared outside of UC San Diego to set time limits on access.

You can also edit OneDrive documents together in real time with colleagues. OneDrive is integrated with Microsoft Office for easy editing of common file types. However, sharing files in OneDrive doesn’t require that the recipient has Office installed - they only need access to a web browser to collaborate.

Follow the steps below to share files you've uploaded to OneDrive and start collaborating!

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

1. Access OneDrive share window

  1. Go to the sign-in page:
  2. Log in with your Active Directory (AD) username and password (use the format
  3. Find the document you would like to share.
  4. Select Share:
    • Hover on the document and click on the share icon ; OR
    • Select the document by checking it on the left and clicking Share on the pop-up menu bar at the top

Share button with a folder checked

You can choose to invite people to access your file or get a link to give to them.

Note: The "Shared with Everyone" folder will automatically make documents placed in that folder available to anyone with a OneDrive for Business account at UC San Diego.


2. Share document

The share window looks as follows:

Window to add users for sharing

Option 1: Invite People

  1. Enter names of users you want to share the document with in the top input.
    • If it's an internal user (at UCSD), you can just enter a name in the search box and it will find the user through Active Directory.
    • If it's an external user, enter the full email address.
  2. Access will default to "Can edit". You change this to "Can view" if you want the user to have read-only rights by clicking on the pencil icon to the right.
  3. Add an optional message for the user.
  4. Click Send.

If you share files with a non-UCSD email address, that person will prompted to login with a Microsoft account. View more information about sharing with "external" users on Microsoft's Help page.

Option 2: Get Link

  1. Choose the appropriate link sharing settings by clicking the gear icon next to the "Copy link" button:
    • The default is set to "People you choose", which are the people you manually input
    • "Sharing settings" window

  2. Click Apply
  3. Enter names of users you want to share the document with in the top input.
    • If it's an internal user (at UCSD), you can just enter a name in the search box and it will find the user through Active Directory.
    • If it's an external user, enter the full email address.
  4. Access will default to "Can edit". You change this to "Can view" if you want the user to have read-only rights by clicking on the pencil icon to the right.
  5. Click Copy link to copy the link
  6. Paste the link in the email, document, etc. that you want to share (use CTRL-P to paste)

Modify access for links

  1. Navigate to the file and open the share window using step 1
  2. Click on the people icons in the bottom left
  3. Select the link you want to modify
  4. Click on the gear icon to the right of the link
  5. Change the edit permissions and people that can use the link for access
  6. Click Apply

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk. You can call us at (858) 246-4357, email us at, or submit a ticket at