What are Tasks and Request Items?


While Cases are the most common ticket types within ServiceNow, there are other types, including Requests, Requested Items, and Catalog Tasks. Requests from the customer portal are handled a bit differently than Cases. The Request record is essentially a "shopping cart" for the items the customer ordered. Each item is housed in a Request Item (RITM), and Catalog Tasks are generated to fulfill the work. An example of this could be:

Important:  Because there can be multiple unrelated RITMs within a Request, and multiple tasks underneath the RITM, comments can be viewed in the Catalog Task, but outbound customer communication can only be done at the Request Item level. If you are viewing a task assigned to you, you must view the RITM record to add customer notes.

Working Catalog Tasks

Catalog Tasks will appear in your work:

Catalog task entry of the task table


Click into the task, and you will see the following:

Form view of the catalog task item previously shown

Communicating with the Customer

Note: Agent and customer notes will be copied to the Task, but communication to the customer needs to happen in the RITM. To view or add customer comments, open the Request Item:

The "Request item" field for the catalog item displayed in the context window

Add your customer comments, and then click the button to add yourself to the watch list to be notified when the customer responds.

The customer comments section of the form view for the Request item


Viewing All Tasks Assigned to All Teams

To view all Request Items assigned to all teams, open the parent Request:

The parent Request field of the current task item


Scroll down to see the RITMS. You can expand Stage to check their statuses:

The Requested items tab of the parent Request record displaying two Request items


My Tickets in Customer View

Submitters of RITMs can go to "My Stuff" in the portal and choose "Tickets" in the dropdown menu. Note: As pictured below, orders with multiple RITMs will show each on their own item. Click on the item to check its status and submit comments to the person fulfilling the request.

The "My Tickets" section in My Stuff tab of the customer portal



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